Baby you're a Firework!

Love others as you love yourself. I believe Jesus said something like that in another language, over 2000 years ago. A lot has changed since then but the message still remains. Now, if we could only love ourselves as others love us. I know I am loved by my family and even though sometimes I don't deserve it, they love me still. Our family sees in us the beauty and the goodness. That is the power of love.

When I think of Gordon now, for some reason, I keep thinking about the letter he wrote from Saudi about his driver that would pick him up from the airport. He shared how he and this man had struck up a fast friendship. They told each other about their families and their lives, their hopes and dreams. And when I think of Gordon in a taxi in another country making friends with a man who he has nothing and everything in common with it brings me comfort. What an adventure he had! New sights, new sounds, new friendships. I bet you talking with Gordon that man felt the kind of uplifting feeling we all had when we spent time with him, talking. When you had his attention and he was focused on you it made you feel special and important. He was a good listener and was sympathetic to all of our ordeals.

It seemed to be that one of Gordon's jobs while he was on this earth was to encourage. And what a beautiful gift that is. But in order for your encouragement to be heard one must be respected. Gordon was wise and his encouragement came from a place of love. So, we all must make sure to keep encouraging one another!

Life is still good, but it sure can be hard. Saying goodbye is never easy and living is a process. We grow into the knowledge of ourselves and our own paths. We lost someone we love, we lost someone who loved us. THAT MAKES ME SAD! But, when we open our hearts to love we can also experience loss and when I count my blessings I can see I have no reason to really be sad. When I look at the big picture I can see that this is a natural part of life, saying goodbye to loved ones, yet it's hard for me because eventhough my faith in God is strong I sometimes just don't understand. I don't understand Gods timing, but I don't have to. We all still have a lot of living left to do.

If I could have said goodbye it would not have been profound, maybe something like, I love you, I'll miss you, thank you for the love you've given.

The pain of loss is great but the joy of love is immeasurable. That is how we keep on going. I wonder what kind of stuff you will do in heaven? I bet you will be a leader and a teacher there as you were on earth. I know you are with God now, so I do not worry. He gives and he takes and I'll make peace with your passing eventually I suppose. But until then I will just keep on wondering why. When we suffer through a hardship such as this God always remains steadfast. I take much comfort in Gods faithfulness.

I've had crazy Katie Perry's Firework song stuck in my head all day and I have to say it does lift my spirits a little. My goodness what a genuine outpouring of love we witnessed last week. We reap what we sow and the support shown to Cathy and Hunter and Logann was a bountiful return. A firework is an awesome display of energy and power that is beautiful and impressive, awe inspiring and colorful. They are meant for special occasions and mark a celebration. You lived your life with flair, Gordon, and I can easily imagine God saying to you, "Well done my good and faithful servant. " You came to earth, you gave of yourself, you gave your heart and you gave your all. And the ones you leave behind still stand with our faces tilted upward with looks of delight at the beautiful and lasting impression you made on all of our hearts.

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