I can't believe Turkey Day is here and gone. Tom made a fabulous meal, the smoked turkey, corn puddin', and Manhattans were my favorites. I did manage to get the Christmas Tree up with a little help from my boys. The holiday was a little less bright with out Tori and Jake, and picking out the tree didn't take nearly as long. We did manage to squeeze in 2 movies, Four Christmases was very cute and entertaining but I liked Australia better, it was very beautiful and epic...and so was Hugh Jackman. Now it is on to Mick's 16th birthday. For his big family dinner he has requested shrimp fried rice. The house will soon smell like a Benehanna with really good cake. I guess I had better give my quilt squares some thought, it won't be long until we girls have our big get together at Camp William!! Did you get your invitations and did anyone notice I got the date wrong, it should be December 12-14?? Can't wait to see you all there!
The company has left, the turkey devoured and the tree is up!!! I have been working on the quilt for the cabin. Just wanted to let you all know you can also get started at home if you want. I cut a 7x7 square, once it is finished the face of the square will be 6x6. You can use any material you want and you can sew, embroidery or cloth paint your square. If you are looking for ideas to get motivated I have done the following: First I started on my name to practice my rusty stitches (Cathy Clark Rogers), in case you forgot! I did one with the Rogers and another with the Clark family genealogy (Bill + Betty=Cathy, Christy, Kimberly, Kelly), One with the four sisters nick names, one honoring the weekend and the reunion, one honoring the "LAND". I am going to try and put pictures on a couple squares. We will need a total of 80 squares but Mom has a lot already made up. Cant wait to see you all, let me know if you have any questions. Kiki Cathy Clark Rogers
So I have returned from Florida to a freezing cold, rainy, dreary day in Nashville. It is definitely good to be home though and I thought I would make the transition even better by fixin' up my favorite meal, chicken and dumplings. yummo. I just concocted it and my second time around was much smoother than the first, although I still managed to completely wreak havoc on the kitchen. I haven't tasted them yet, but it looks delicious. I actually combined two recipes this time. Usually, I stick with my mom's amazing recipe, but this time I threw in Kiki's dumpling recipe. I have no doubt it will be great, because both are chicken and dumpling connoisseurs. I will let you know how it goes, but I will say I cannot wait to eat it and hopefully it will cheer me up!
I about to go pick up my little Mavy! I have been missing him like crazy and I surely hope he had a good time at the kennel. I'm kinda scared, but hopefully he will be unchanged!
Back to the real world I guess!
SHELBYVILLE, Ind. – Edna Parker, who became the world's oldest person more than a year ago, has died at age 115.
UCLA gerontologist Dr. Stephen Coles said Parker's great-nephew notified him that Parker died Wednesday at a nursing home in Shelbyville. She was 115 years, 220 days old, said Robert Young, a senior consultant for gerontology for Guinness World Records.
Parker was born April 20, 1893, in central Indiana's Morgan County and had been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest person since the 2007 death in Japan of Yone Minagawa, who was four months her senior.
Coles maintains a list of the world's oldest people and said Parker was the 14th oldest validated supercentenarian in history. Maria de Jesus of Portugal, who was born Sept. 10, 1893, is now the world's oldest living person, according to the Gerontology Research Group.
Parker had been a widow since her husband, Earl Parker, died in 1939 of a heart attack. She lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into a son's home and later to the Shelbyville nursing home.
Although she never drank alcohol or tried tobacco and led an active life, Parker didn't offer tips for living a long life. Her only advice to those who gathered to celebrate when she became the oldest person was "more education."
Parker outlived her two sons, Clifford and Earl Jr. She also had five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.
Don Parker, 60, said his grandmother had a small frame and a mild temperament. She walked a lot and kept busy even after moving into the nursing home, he said.
"She kept active," he said Thursday. "We used to go up there, and she would be pushing other patients in their wheelchairs."
Gov. Mitch Daniels celebrated with Parker on her 114th birthday.
"It was a delight to know Edna, who must have been a remarkable lady at any age," Daniels said.
Parker taught in a two-room school in Shelby County for several years after graduating from Franklin College in 1911. She wed her childhood sweetheart and neighbor in 1913.
But as was the tradition of that era, her teaching career ended with her marriage. Parker traded the schoolhouse for life as a farmer's wife, preparing meals for as many as a dozen men who worked on her husband's farm.
Parker noted with pride last year that she and her husband were one of the first owners of an automobile in their rural area.
Coincidentally, Parker lived in the same nursing home as 7-foot-7 Sandy Allen, whom Guinness recognized as the world's tallest woman until her death in August.
Hello turkey toodles!
I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving. It was great down in here in sunny FL. Perfect weather. We ate thanksgiving lunch, while listening to some kids music and I drank real wine, instead of kids champagne this year (although I kinda wished for it). We ended up going to see Four Christmases which was soooo cute. Everyone knows I love Reese and so of course I am a little biased but she was just adorable in this movie. I know my mom already went and saw it, but for Lo and everyone else I recommend it. It is a good laugh, of course often from Vince. And in response to lo's post, where in the world is your mom's new job? i think we need and update from kiki. I also am just hanging out this black friday, most likely avoiding shopping, although right now Jake's mom, Kelli, and I are doing a little online shopping.
I hope everyone enjoys all of their thanksgiving leftovers today!! miss ya!
Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. It was pretty busy around here with the 6 kiddos running around hyped up on kids champagne. But I'm assuming everyone is out with the rest of the world trying to catch all the good deals on this Black Friday. I have decided to actually skip out on that this year, I think hunter and I are going to see Four Christmases and then see our mother at work (what wonderful chrildren, I know).
Last post I made I got very excited to see someone had made a comment. My first thought was that it was one of you lovaly ladies welcoming me to the blog, celebrating my post perhaps? Nope, not even close.. It was a boy named Carlos Portugal who just decided to randomly comment on my post to say he likes our blog. However, he was nice enough to give us a link to his wonderful blog. http://abebedorespgondufo.blogs.sapo.pt/ It is entirely about beer. How random??
you know you love me xoxo
(thought maybe tori and steph would enjoy that signature)
so as most of you know, one of the pitfalls of living in the south is that you start to talk like you from the south. which isn't always bad, but it does have its drawbacks. Anyway, I've decided it is definitely time for me to move back north. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up my superior speaking skills. The southern drawl just rolls everything together, and I find myself constantly fighting the urge to say "ya'll". In the past couple of weeks I have noticed it becoming increasingly difficult to hold it back and I think I actually let it slip once.
A few years ago I remember Lo being in the same sitch. Fighting off that southern drawl and holding back the "ya'll". Then, I heard it. Now, ya'll is a regular part of lo's vocab, which is fine, and she admitted that she just got tired of trying to hold it in all the time and I remember being shocked. Like what is this you speak of? Now, here I am in the same boat, on the edge of saying something I swore I never would. Pray for me to be strong, because if I give into ya'll it will just go down hill from there to things such as "cut it on", "cut it off", "might could", "fixin'", "reckon", "buggy" (instead of shopping cart!), and on and on and on. I will be lost, I'll start calling my patients "darlin'" or "hon" (you can't even imagine how redneck this can sound!!)
Pray for my strength. I am going to need it. I WILL NOT SUCCUMB!
Hey guys! So J & I made it to Noah's place at about 3am florida-time. It was a pretty uneventful ride, with just some traffic in Atlanta. I watched some movies on my computer, a classic, Rat Race. I had forgotten how funny it was and I was cracking up.
So we are about to take a walk to check out the beach. And tomorrow we are going to eat (of course) and see Four Christmases with reese and vince. I cna't wait! J & I are going to miss everyone tomorrow on Thanksgiving, but we will be thinking of you! Make sure if anyone sees any other movies this weekend, that we get a review! Miss everyone! Love you!
Tony and Mark both look like Dad. I love seeing them because of that. Hi Tony, Hi Mark! You guys are handsome like my Dad! Thanks for that. So, now I am your biggest fan. And Tony is a dancer so that makes it even better. Mark always plays a good guy in the movies. A new generation of tall dark and handsomes! How Deluxe!
Ok so it has taken me FOREVER to finally post on this baby but I just figured it out (If Bebe could do it i knew i could too!!)! Im a little behind on all the comments and post but I did see Twilight last night! I am in love with Robert Pattinson, he is BEAUTIFULLLL. However, I havent read the book yet so I had nothing to compare it to so i just absolutely loved it. I really cant wait for Four Christmas to come out, that looks really funny. Well I need to look back at old post and catch up but I was just so excited that i figured out how to post. Cant wait to see everyone sooooon!!!
These are pictures from Toms Facebook page of bacon from his smokehouse. And the other is venison sausage curing. This is how it's done my friends. This is what we like to call
Bona fide, Genuine; not counterfeit.
And Tom is what we like to call a Rennaisance Man,a man with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge.
When I woke up this morning I didn't know I was going to Blog about Tom today.
But, then again, that my Darlings, is how I happen to roll.
The preservation of food usually involves preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other undesirable organisms. Prevented, too, is the food becoming rancid or discolored like an apple that is allowed to sit around awhile after being peeled. Drying is one of the oldest methods and can be used for meat and fruits. Pickling and smoking are other methods used in early America that are still used today. Pickling involves placing or cooking food in something that kills bacteria. Often used is brine, vinegar, or a vegetable oil. Hams are often smoked or sugar cured. Freezing could be used in early America only during the winter. Canning involves cooking fruits or vegetables and sealing them in sterile (germ free) jars, cans, or bottles and boiling them to kill bacteria. Canning did not begin until 19th century (1800s). Food may also be preserved by cooking it in a material that solidifies to form a gel. This is called jellying. The woman in the picture above is standing in front or her preserves and under smoked meat. While back before families could refrigerate their food, fruits could be preserved by being cooked in a syrup made of sugar and water and then being stored in well sealed glass jars, for meat a different system was required. Today you see many cattle in Carroll County fields. Seldom do you see hogs. In the past the opposite was true. Back then, when the weather turned cold, it was time to butcher hogs. This was because if butchering took place on a hot day, the meat was likely to spoil. It has been said that the only part of a hog that was not used was the squeal. Besides providing farm families with meat, soap and candles were made from the hog's fat, and brushes were made from its hair. Some of the meat was turned into bacon and ham in a smokehouse. In addition to adding flavor, smoking the meat helped to preserve it. Neighbors were often invited over to help with the butchering. Sharp knives were used to stab and bleed the hog, shave off its hair, dress the carcass, and carve the meat into various cuts. In order to shave the hog’s hair, the hog was first scalded with water from a container heated over a fire. Salt was needed for producing fat back, ham, and bacon. Lye was needed to make soap and hominy, and various seasonings were needed to make sausage. The hog was hung from a pole for cleaning, dressing, and cooling before the meat was carved. Its feet were cut off to be processed into pickled pigs feet. The brains and intestines were also removed to be eaten. The ears, nose, and tail were also removed and eaten. The thick layers of fat on each side of the backbone were made into lard, which was used in baking. The intestines were washed several times before being slid over sticks inside out. Then the insides were thoroughly washed. Once they were boiled, which was very foul smelling process, this meat, called chitlins or chitterlings, was ready to eat. Some of the chitlins were laid aside to be used as sausage casings. The basic contents of sausage came from lean meat from the loins and shoulders mixed with fat. A hand-cranked meat grinder was used to grind this meat up. After being mixed with seasonings, this was stuffed into chitlin casings with a hand stuffer. Fat trimmed from the various cuts of meat were cubed for making soap. Salt pork used in frying and flavoring vegetables was created by soaking some of the meat in brine. (Brine is water saturated or nearly saturated with salt.) In order to smoke meat it was hung in a building called a smokehouse that was made as air tight as possible in order to keep the smoke used to cure the meat from escaping. Hams, shoulders, bacon slabs, and sausage were cured by smoking. The smoke was produced by a fire box on the floor of the smokehouse. Smoked meat might be kept for years without spoiling.Now I know where the saying"I'm bleeding like a stuck pig." came from. Read this and you can talk about sticking pigs and the like, with T.Hirschfeld on his front porch while drinking his bourbon. I know how to keep thebourbon coming! "So Tom, have you ever scalded a pig?" I'm going to Toms and Amy's for Thanksgiving and now I am prepared to converse with him about early American food storing practices. That's just how I rolllllll!
Hi fam-damily (I always got a kick out of saying that when I was "wittle")
So once again I am avoiding studying! I just got home from clinical, and I am trying to pack for my trip to Florida, cook dinner, study and play with maverick all at the same time. I my final regular exam tomorrow morning and then I have to drop off my precious little doggy/bff at the kennel which makes me sad, but I will not be one of those mothers! Then we are off to Florida for thanksgiving.
I cannot believe turkey day is literally only days away! I cannot wait to wake up on Thursday and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It is so exciting! Don't worry, I am taking my laptop to FL so I can stay caught up on the blogging. Although I do dearly wish to see a post from my mom (boo) and Bobbi (i need to see the tat!) and everyone else who has posted less than once (Lo & Stevie!) Kelly, you must tell stevie that I dont think she set it up right because it doesnt have her listed as an author on the blog, although she is a follower. She needs to go to the link on her email and sign up that way so she can write posts! I think I've finally got Lo sorted out in this department!
Anyway, I hate to talk so much business, but I am just so busy! I will miss everyone over thanksgiving, but I am eagerly looking forward to making up for it over the girl's weekend and over christmas. As of right now I think we will be in indy from christmas through New Years! Wish me good luck on the test tomorrow! Love to everyone!
Let Me Introduce to You~
Robert Duvall as Augustus McCrea~
Lonesome Dove~TEXAS
He's a retired Texas Ranger, that's where he got them thar crows feet. He has remarkably good eyesight, better than any of the other cowboys and he keeps a cool head in a fight. He's the best horse rider too. And he makes the best biscuits. He's simply the best. Amen, brother Gus. I wonder what he's lookin' at. Up on the ridge there, I hope it's not Blue Duck, He's a Bad Mamba Jamba. Don't you worry yourself none there Gussy, You'll always be my deepest and my dearest. Mercy Sakes Alive. Did you ever see Tender Mercies with Bobby Duvall? He plays a washed up country singer. It's DeLuxe! Or, you must see the best movie ever made. To Kill a Mockingbird. He's in that too, yes he is. Or, what's that movie with the Lion and Michael Caine and Haley Joel Osmond? It was only a matter of time before he showed up here. Can Jeff Bridges be far behind? I think not~ The Dude Abides....
MAVERICK~ Rocks my Crocks off! First of all it's a western and it's soo funny. James Garner is in it and I just love it. It's 2 good 2 B 4 gotten. Those western ladies had the best clothes. I do declare. We watched Tombstone last night and Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (with Kevin Costner) the night before. And we watched Dances with Wolves a couple weekends ago. I just love dusty boots and the sound of horses hooves and the saloons in all those cowboy movies. YeeHaw!
They're all different but what they have in common is their strength and their beauty . Their confidence is obvious. And why shouldn't they be? Look where they came from. A long line of confident, beautiful and strong women. Tiffer Sniffer belongs in this picture as well because she is all of these things and more. And she coined the phrase "us cousins" in her poem which made me think of this picture. Tiff, I hope there will be more poems forthcoming. The two minute poem is deluxe "Us Cousins" says it all. Conner told me this morning that DeLuxe is italian for delightful. Steph, take your braces off right now, your overbite is so cute in this picture. Sisterhood is DeLuxe~
This is a recall of a conversation I had with TyTy about two years ago and I can never forget it. He was at my house for a party, I was in the den. He came down the steps with a big bowl of potato chips in his hands. And he said, and I quote, bear with me here, it's worth it, I swear. So, here he comes, with the bowl of chips..
Ty: Aunt Kewwwy
Me: Yes, Ty.
Ty: Whose chips are dese?
Me; They're yours if you want them. Do you want some?
Ty; Are day yours?
Me; Well Ty, honey, they're for everyone.
Ty: Whose are dey?
Me;They're for whoever wants some.
Ty: Are dey Conner's?
Ty:Are dey Abby's?
Ty: Are dey My Moms?
Me;No, honey, but she can have some if she wants to. They are for everyone to share.
Ty:Oh. (he looks down at the chips then back up at me)
Ty: Can I have some of dese chips, Aunt Kewwwy?
Me: uh huh.
Ty: Can I have dem?
Ty: Can I have all a dem?
Me; sure
Ty: I can have dem?
Me; yep.
Ty: Can I have all dese chips?
Me:Yes, Ty, you can have the whole bowl if you want to.
there's a pause, I'm looking at him, he's looking at me, he looks at the chips again and then sets the bowl down and says,...
Ty:I don't want dese chips Aunt Kewwy
And he puts the bowl down and walks away.
Hello ladies! I have finally found a moment to sit and reflect on all that moves me! Shall I start with the fact that when my son actually kisses me goodbye in front of his friends I simply melt, but then when I pick him up from school he very well could wipe his booger on my pant leg, or burp without saying excuse me! What is that all about? I am trying to figure this little creature out. He knows every football players jersey number, but he can't be told to do two things at one time. Start with telling him to get his sox on, then get your shoes on, then get your coat on. Don't want to overload! Geez! And then there is the princess who has no desire to be just that! She who will grow her beautiful hair halfway down her back for her Tor and Lo, but won't freaking brush it for mom! Hmmmmmmmm, she actually asked me the other day if people really paid me to do their hair because I hurt. Nice. Or if that's not enough, she asks why Uncle Jon can't brush it for her cuz he is "gentle"! omg! But on a sweet note, Abs lost another tooth the other nite and the next morning she awoke to find her $5.oo (that beeeyatch only left me a quarter), and i asked what she wanted to do with it and she said, "Mom, I can buy BeBe's xmas present with this!". Had to share that because it was kinda sweet and kinda made me proud. :) I figure I will end this with a poem cuz I don't feel that I have held up my end of the deal on this blogging and being creative........so much competition! So here goes:
Once upon a time or two
I think about my auntie Boo
Or here and there i try to see
If i can go stay with my KiKi
Us cousins are lucky to have each other
And more than I'll admit, I'm just like my mother
On toast I don't frankly enjoy it with jelly
But what in the world would i do without my aunt Kelly
There's one lady to thank and we all see
We're lucky to have our very one and only BeBe
*if your name was not in this don't take personally! i did it in 2 minutes!
unless you are kaily or lo, you may not know that i like to refer to victoria beckham as vbecks. just for future reference because i tend to refer to her a lot. she is just so majah!
Twilight rocks my face off!! And, then goes on to rock my socks off! So I know I am a biased viewer because I am a majah (major in a british accent-- just like victoria beckham says it) fan! So yes, I am biased, but for a book turned movie it exceeded my expectations. The adaptation was Harry Potter quality, which says a lot. Granted, you have to keep in mind that The Twilight Saga is officially deemed a Young Adult novel, but, I will preface that by saying all generations, male and female have enjoyed the book.
The movie totally evoked the feelings of not just young love, but eternal love. Love on a completely different level, if you haven't read the books, then you may not know that the premise is about a clutzy high-school girl, falling in love with a smooth & gorgeous vampire. Sounds a little out there, I know, but if you read it, you will surely enjoy. I actually do not know a single person who has read it and not enjoyed it.
So, in short, the movie is thouroughly entertaining for young & old alike & does a superb job at staying in touch with the storyline, the characters, and the overall feel of the book. The best part is the passion, and let me say, there is passion out the wahzoo! I don't know if it because I read the book and so you get to see how deeply that passion runs through the character's eyes, but I could definitely feel it heating up on screen.
Plus, the new theater was amazing! Free refills on everything! So of course, I had my popcorn, dr. pepper and milk duds (shout out to Bobbi!--minus a diet coke) and the seats were soo comfy, they rocked (literally)!!
oh- and you know it is a good movie when I wanted to stay and watch it again, or at least go back tomorrow! I hope the review was a little more helpful that Stevie's! love!
sjp ditched the mole.
who wants to talk about moles? ewww.
ok so i was talking to kelly about the gilmore girls ep I was watching and so i had to post this. so it may not make much sense if you didnt watch the show, but I had to post it. the second guy is my fav... "well, SCREW the past" ! LOL!
o geeez. oh & i like the chick in the hat! BTK?
give it a minute, it takes a while to load
hick, i am so glad you joined us! your profile pic is hot!! and so is the dude in it with you ;)
oh how i miss you and my uncle john!
anywho... i am still waiting for bobbi to write a little something and hopefully add some pics of her new ass-tat. i bet it is tat-tastic!
Might I also add a link to my fav website. i check it multiple times a day and i symptoms of withdrawal when i go without it for too long. it is endless, but i always check the main website. I have had Lo hooked for years, and I know we all read PEOPLE religously, but this is even better.
It is accurate info too... unlike perezhilton (another celeb site) who does a lot of speculation. Things are always up-to-date and correct info. plus, there isn't a lot of bashing, or bad gossip! so it's good, right?
Yes, tally, I would love the be the consumer reporter. so to answer your questions (at least the ones I can remember)
best mascara: christian dior blackout (its like 20 or 25 buck), Bad girl (same price range) or Big Fatty (which has hemp in it, psychadelic dude!). All of which can be found at sephora (my mecca).
best bread: for the home I am a wonderbread girl, and I've tried to like wheat, but I just can't (i blame my upbringing ;) so you can get whole-wheat white! it tricks your brain. when I am out and about though, i must absolutely have PANERA!! yay for carbies!
best cereal: depends on the mood. when I feel like acting like an adult (which isn't often) and being health I chose Honey Bunches of Oats! It is perfectly sweet but is no rice crispies with about a cup of sugar on top.... yum. i think i could just eat sugar and milk (although thinking about it makes me want to dry heave).
best makeup remover: in my experience they are all the same. I am currently using nuetrogena! I like the wipes too! you can just swipe them over your eyes and voila! Remember when kelly used to think you would get a giant lump of eyeliner behind your eye if you didn't remove it? o things you believe when you are a model (did i get the story right?)
Best starbucks drink!: don't even get me started!! ook... in the winter and it is chilly I absolutely must have a white chocolate mocha, even though it hardly tastes like coffee! it is just amazing (get it low-fat and with no whip and it is practically calorie free! at least that is what I tell myself). Now in the summer I get a little CRIZAZAY! I love any of the frappuccinos, but most importantly the caramel frap bc you get tons of carmel drizzled on top! yumm. if you get it, make sure you skip a meal!
I think that is for kelly's list. but can i say I suggest:
WoodWick candles: they are a little pricey and a little hard to find but totes worth it. It is great for me too because I don't have a real fire place and they crackle like a fire so I can get a mini-fix
Books: Everyone must read the Twilight series!
I will work on the rest! Everyone please check out my product suggestions!
Can I puh-leeeze just say that ashlee simpson and pete wentz are now the official worst parents ever! They named their poor child... wait for it ... Bronx Mowgli! I mean I know celebs like to come up with these redunkulous names but cmon, this is unreal. mowgli? mowgli? isn't that the name of one of the animals in the jungle book? he isn't a cub, ashlee. he is a human. who will now have to forever live in shame. and bronx? when have these peeps ever had anything to do with the bronx. No JLo may be able to pull it off, i mean she grew up there, I could see the symbolism, but i am just not jiving with p&a's choice (and if you give it 15 years, the kid will probably agree).
--update-- mowgli is indeed one of the animals on the jungle book. Now I've been inspired to name my first child Baloo.... o wait, I'm not crazy.
Cathy used to have two of Christine's prints hanging in her home. I actually think KiKi, you may have had them in your apartment first. Do you remember? Well, I always loved them and so I looked Rosamond up on the computer and I found these. The colors and the mood and the use of negative space is so feminine and free. It was the 70's when her work became so popular and it was an interesting time for women. Rosamond is from Carmel, California I believe. I would actually just stare at her signature I thought it was so cool. (Those of you who know me, which you all do, will not find this little bit of info surprising.) So, thank you KiKi for being so awesomely cool and introducing me to Rosamond. And you also introduced me to Fleetwood Mac. Still my favorite. In that apartment you had this beautiful burled oak desk that your stereo sat on. And you had wandering jews in your little apartment too. And you had that orange stripey couch and you had bittersweet hanging in a bundle on the wall. It was your first apartment off of like 71st street or something. Didn't you and Dad use to play tennis there? I was staring at the wall and you guys were playing tennis. Very telling. What was the name of those apartments? I can't remember right now. I love the 70's I'm sorta stuck there~ But when you look at these pics who can blame me really? So serene and cool and wispy. far out.
Kelly~ art & music contributor
Vivian Ward: "You're late."
Edward Lewis: "You're stunning."
Vivian Ward: "You're forgiven."
like a virgin, blogged for the very first time.......So glad to be invited to the clark girl page. Tor great thinking and thanks for your work putting this all together.
ok tally here are 7 things about me:
1. my life is my family (family should be spelled familey that puts life in your family) just made that up
2. my other life is chocolate, johnny's steaks and wine
3. nothing negative ever. i hate it!
4. clouds and the color red make me happy
5. i'm so OCD that my puffing is out of control
6. i wish everyone could always be happy
7. i miss my dad too
i also need a christmas name and not christymas
i'm in florida today and am getting ready for a garage sale, out with the old in with the new, i'm keeping Precious though will return to indy tuesday night and will start cooking. we are eating at 5pm if anyone wants to eat again let me know i'll throw an extra apple in the apple pie i'm having mom bring pumpkin pie cuz hers are the best better come and get a little sumpin
ok now i have officially blogged it was good for me , hope it was good for you too
hickory dickory docker, i just coughed up a hocker (I miss Kelly P.)
This very Morning:(6:22 AM)
Steph: heelloooo(groggy sounding, I woke her up, she's still sleeping)
Kelly: good morning, are you awake? (I'm calling her from my bed upstairs having just woke up myself.)
Steph: noooo, I set my alarm.
Kelly:alrighty, just checking.
6:45~ We run into each other in the kitchen, she is putting on her coat, getting ready to leave for school.
Kelly: SO, how was it ?Tell me, did you love it or what?(smiling anxiously, eyebrows up, jazz hands .)
Steph: I can't say.
Kelly: Why can't you say?
Steph; I don't know, I just can't.
Kelly, but WHHHYYYY
Steph; I need to see it again first.
Kelly: Honestly?
Steph: There were all these dumb girls there and when a scene would come up, like a really important, intense scene(Edward Cullen scene)They would all start giggling. It was so annnoooyyying.
Kelly, Oh,bummer, well, did you like the movie though?
Steph: I'm not ready to talk about it yet.
kelly: whyyyy noooot?
Steph:(long, uncomfortable silence, she takes a sip of her amareto coffee in the white porcelin cup.)
I can't I'm not ready, I have to think about it first.
Kelly: Geez, you're killing me smalls. (sandlot)
Steph: hand on the door knob, keys in hand. Opens the front door , puts one foot over the threshold, turns to me, and she says, and I quote......wait for it.......
"Bella did a good job."
She proceeds through the doorway, closing the door behind her and away she goes. I stare out the window after her and see the little saturn head off down the road. I am left standing there in my penguin pajamas. (I have never once worn my penguin pajamas without someone saying the word penguin to me. I's a phenomenon. Sometimes they just say "penguin" and I'm like "huh?" and then they point to one of them and them and I'm like." oh yeah." It's the funniest darn thing. I challenge you not to say the word penguin when I wear them in your presence, it's yet to be done. I don't know why.
So, there you have it Twilight fans.
That's all the news thats fit to print.. OH< WAIT, I almost forgot... (not really)
Kelly says: It was good.
Kelly says: Simba did a good job.
Lion King was beautiful. The set and costume design was the star of the show. Scar was probably my favorite and I liked Rafiki as well.
XOXO My Beauties....
2:30 am
STEPH: Mom, I'm home. (She is silhouetted by the light coming from the hallway while standing in the doorway of my bedroom)She looks like Bella Swan to me.
Me: Oh, good, how was it.(lying in bed, half awake, half asleep)
Steph: It was good.(This is said with absolutely no inflection at all what so ever)
Me: Oh, good.(This is said with some sarcasm, which is pretty impressive considering I'm half asleep. I'm using sarcasm to convey how underwhelmed I am with her review.(This fact is not lost on her, I can tell, even though I cannot see her face. She's tired, there will be no more information forthcoming.)
Steph: night
Me: night, love you.
Door closes, light goes off, I hear her footsteps fade away as she heads down the stairs.
fade to black...
This is how it went down:
11:00 last night:ring, ring....
Steph: Hello
Kelly: Hi Dude, Sup?
Steph: Uhmmm, we're in line.
Kelly: Are you outside?
Steph: No, were inside
Kelly:Oh, good, is it crowded?
Steph: Uh, yeah.
Kelly: You sound mad.
Steph: complete silence
Kely: Oh, you don't like all those people there going to seeYOUR movie.
Steph: basically yes.
Kelly; Okay, well, enjoy~
Kelly: Let me talk to Kyndrick
Kyndrick: Hello?
Kelly: Hey Dude, sup?
Kyndrick: Uhhh, not much, just standing in line here with all these girls.
Kelly: Okay, well, it's really nice of you to go with her to this late night movie deal.
Kyndrick: yeah, I know
Kelly: You probably deserve a gold star
Kyndrick yeah, for sure. Hey Steph, your Mom says I deserve a gold star
Steph: (in the background) I agree
Kelly &Kyndrick: Wow, she agrees!!!!!!!
Kyndrick: That's rare
So one of my favoritists shows is Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC. It is soo presh! I was just curious if anyone else has watched it? It is about a family of twins and sextuplets. Jon & Kate were unable to conceive so turned to fertility treatments and had their twins, maddie and cara. They were trying for one more, and ended up with 6 (originally 7, but one was absorbed in utero)! So the show is all about their life. It is reality tv at its finest!
It is soo amazing to see these little kids (Alexis, Aaden, Hannah, Leah, Joel, Collin, Maddie & Cara). I love it because each kid has this totally different, amazing personality. The best part of the show is Kate. She is a little high strung, total germophobe and slightly OCD (all of which she freely admits!). The show literally makes my day! Jon & Kate recently just renewed their vows in Hawaii to celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary! And they had enough children for an entire wedding party. I just wish you would all watch it if you have never seen it. It can be a little intimidating at first because you want to kind of freak out because of all these children everywhere, but just think about how Kate must feel!! Don't give up on it, you will fall in love. Just as I have. I just truly admire them and their efforts (I mean I can't imagine have 8 kids, or even 6 four-year olds! YIKES!)
So, you must watch it. It is on everyday! In nashville, it is on at 10a and 4p. TLC. I feel like I know this family, they are so precious and the kids really truly make you appreciate life! So set your DVR!
Hi all my loves,
So i've noticed that hick still hasn't signed up so someone needs to make sure she got the email, or send her another one or whatever. same with stevie, she told me she didn't get the email so hopefully we can get her up and running soon. Anyway I took my final OB test before final exams in a few weeks and I am so thankful to have it over with. Tomorrow I am back at the hospital for OB, but I don't know if I will be doing labor & delivery, newborn nursery or what (it is my flex day), but is my last ever OB clinical. I will just say I am obsessed with these cute lil' babies. Although I love my old people too, they are both just so cute!
Tomorrow night after clinical, I will of course be seeing Twiligh! At the brand new Smyrna movie theather, just minutes from my house! Travis and Brittany are going to join us, so it should be a treat! The rest of the weekend will probably be filled with studying, which really means thinking about studying, while slacking, and spending most of the day in front of the computeradora! I just have one more test before my finals so hallelujah! And I of course have to start packing for my trip to Florida, we are leaving on Tuesday as soon as I get done with my test.
I miss everyone I hope to get updates on everyone's lives!! I know Lo is headed home to Nashvegas, so Kiki will probably be very pre-occupied! Love!
Let me just say~This little fella has GOT IT GOING ON! He's Happy! I like him! Can you hear the grateful dead music playing in the background? "She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes, I knew without asking she was into the blues, she wore scarlet begonias tucked into her curls, I knew right away she was not like other girls, other girls. bompadomppopmpbadomppaadompbadomppadompdomp.....
I read Cathy's last posting saying you are reading this blog too, so I wanted to say hi to you and to say I hope you are feeling better. I was sad when I heard you were so sick. You are such a trooper to come to Indiana and go to the CG&H Show and all that jazz when you were not feeling well, at all. I felt like I should have noticed that you didn't feel well when I saw you but I will chalk that up to your acting skills not my lack of observation.I imagined that I would send you a pretty card but I never did so, this is your pretty card. I know that Cathy has been taking good care of you. Isn't she the very best? You are such a lovely lady and so fun to be around and I just wanted to make sure you know how much you are LOVED!
Kelly Haemmerle, from the lovely State of Indiana
Kiki is fine with me and I like BeBe's and Ann's, actually I like them all. Great job!! Are their such things as Blog rules? If not I would appreciate all comments being added as a new post, I keep going back reading all the comments on the posts to make sure I havent missed anything! This stuff is just to good, definitely my entertainmet during the day. I just let Ann sit down at my computer and read it all, she is hooked.
The Gilmore Girls post got more COMMENTS than any other post so far! Gilmore Girls! I have two words for you!
OK, I am up and running again. Where to begin............ Tori & Kelly how in the world do you get anything else done and how do you turn off those minds at night???????????? I sure have a lot to learn and try, Mountain dew anything, pioneer woman, bakerella, Twilight, GG's....... and yes dear Tally I do want a christman name. I did get the squares for the quilt cut today! Please give be the official name for the land, I want to do a square with the correct name on it. I will work on my creativity in the future but for now I have to run. Love to all!!!
ps- i stayed home from work today because I have so much school stuff to do, but it is already noon and I haven't even cracked a book. EEK! yay for procrastination.
Cool Websight Tori! Pioneer Woman's apple dumplings have mt dew in them toooooo. On How to eat a cupcake she lists 7 things about herself and then makes everyone else do it to so, lets do that okay? Want to? Okay, I will go first.
1. I tend to procrastinate
2. My sister (Boo) gave me penguin flannel jammies for Christmas last year and they have become very important in my life. Just ask my family... and/or my neighbors.
3. I, sometimes get the suvvies.
4. I just ate a Reeses Cookie and I liked it.
5. I still believe in Aliens (Hi Logann!)
6. I miss my Dad
7. I love pretty much everybody
so i found the mt. dew cupcake recipe on this cute little blog!! I love everything on there. she makes new cupcakes each week! how inventive!
Can I just say I love mt. dew slushies. So much so I had a dream about them last night. And then I woke up disappointed that it wasn't true. But, the good news is that I told Kiki that I have absolutely nothing to do the friday before the girls weekend, so I think we might be coming up to indy first on thursday before heading down to the cabin. And the absolutely first thing that ever popped into my head was complete and total excitement about the possibility of getting a giant mt. dew slushie! Not only can I get one on thursday when we arrive, but i have high hopes of getting another one on friday morning before the cabin! YIPPEE! I am so filled with joy right now! Never mind the fact that it will probably sleeting or snowing and freezing cold out, I will not even bat an eye. I will absolutely be gulping that sucker down. Whew, I need to relax, I have a few more weeks until then and I cannot let the excitement take over. I hope everyone else is just as excited.
Can someone else please post, this is like a kelly and tori show! I want to hear about everyone else, not that I don't love me some silly (very silly) tally. xoxo
OMG-Shut up! I just saw mt. dew cupcakes when looking for a mt. dew pic! I will keep you updated!
very cool websight, my dearest darlings, for you to visit. I think I love cake. I thought I loved pies for a while but it's cake I love.
and... cake loves me too. It wants me to be happy, I can tell. It always has and it always will. (that's from Braveheart) Mel Gibson says that to the pretty girl with the long hair who lives in a Hobbit house. After he says that I could just say cut. rewind start the movie over and then stop it again after he says that because it's sad later. TOO sad. But then I think of cake and I feel better. Look at that yellow cake with the pink icing. Would you just look at it! It kinda makes me a little dizzy, woozy~ But love is like that~
Well, I guess I will post again even though it's not really my turn. I have a lot to say, or too much free time? (BINGO!) Okay, well, I have to do an update on Kayla's birthday anyway. So, she had a great birthday. Her Dad bought her a bouquet of flowers with a little card in them and everything. She loved that! And our spaghetti dinner was AWESOME. (french bread & salad) She loves her ABBA cd and we danced in the kitchen and did dishes just like I had envisioned. Stevie and I did the tango, that's the only dance she will do. "I only do the tango." said she. She can be so Angelina Jolie sometimes. Kayla loved all of her gifts. Today she wore her very cool pink jacket from BOO BOO. And she wore her brown boots form KIKI and she wore the peace sign necklace HIC got her! How awesome is that OH! And she wore her scarf(ZEBRA) and gloves from BeBe. She wore the purple thermal shirt I got her and the straight leg jeans Fred and Gayle got her. And Stevie's funfetti cake was delish. And not only did she bake her a cake she drove over to Beebs and picked up her presents for her. I feel bad for Kayla sometimes. She seems caught between two worlds. I guess having two Moms is trickier than anyone knew. I guess it depends on the Moms. It should be twice as good but it seems her loyalty is always in question, from both sides really. I shouldn't have to be that way, but we've been trying to work our way through it and we've all been worn out, frustrated and puzzled by why it has to be so hard. No one more than Kayla herself. It's one of those one step forward and two steps back sort of deals. Anyway, she's fourteen now and she's doing great so I want to thank all of you for being so good to us and her and showing her your love all these years. I know she loves all of you very much. Especially when you spoil her so good on her birthday. The presents you gave her were perfect! Hey! Guess what? I am going to go see LION KING tomorrow night at the MURAT with the IMAGE DENTAL girls! YOW! And, we are dining at the Rathskeller beforehand. Can you believe it? I shoow exshited! I'm really into the CAPS today! Does it seem like I'm YELLING at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????? I like smiling! It's my favorite! I SAID IT"S MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read~ Black Heels to Tractor Wheels on www.pioneerwoman.com
Oohhh, oohhhoohh~
Pioneer Woman,
is giving away 2 free Kitchen Aid Mixers, go get one. Contest ends at 7pm Pacific Time. fun!
A Twilight Trailer to get us in the mood.... although I have be eagerly anticipating for months.
And I absolutely suggest reading the book, it is absolutely thrilling! <3
So I've watched this like a milly times and i still can't watch it without crying. Some of you may have seen this before! Love knows no borders. Enjoy & let me know if you can get through it without a tear!
This is a beautiful poem for us to share today, so cultured are we.
0 comments Posted by Kelly Haemmerle at 12:12 PMThe Patience of Ordinary Things
How the cup holds the tea,
How the chair stands sturdy and foursquare,
How the floor receives the bottoms of shoes
Or toes. How soles of feet know
Where they're supposed to be.
I've been thinking about the patience
Of ordinary things, how clothes
Wait respectfully in closets
And soap dries quietly in the dish,
And towels drink the wet
From the skin of the back.
And the lovely repetition of stairs.
And what is more generous than a window?
I like Reeses Pieces. (with meh muvees) Steph is going to see Twilight, Thursday, midnight. eeeek! When will Mama Mia be out on DVD? I want to take it to the girls weekend christmas xtravaganza. Won't that be so delightful. Did everyone hear that John and Marlena are being written off of Days of our Lives? Can it even be true? That's just WRONG! Has everyone seen Will Ferrel's video on You Tube? I think it's called The Landlord or some kinda wackiness. It's mui mui funneah. (there is bad language though and it's totally NOT PC) I think that's his daughter. I think Kayla and i will go see Twilight on Sat or Sun and I wanna see Madagascar II.
kELFy (what's your favorite color?)
HIC~ You make really good baked potato soup, that would be really yummyful for our dinner meal, maybe? weeniesandbeansweeniesandbeans, I cracked myself up right there. I'm still laughing. (can you hear the chanting elves in unison?) weeniesandbeansweeniesandbeans
Kimberly, your CHRISTMAS NAME is....(eventhough you didn't ask for one, if anyone ever deserved one it's you, the most Christmassy of all!) Ready? Wait for it...Creme Bule' (sounds like Kimberly) teee heeee. I like it. It suits you, right down to the ground.
omg! I am so glad tally finally came up with my christmas name! I love it and Iwas just thinking about that this morning, wondering if maybe someone forgot about my christmas name!
I remember going to kayla's 5th bday! (i think... maybe another number) So I can hardly believe she is 14 and all grown up!
And you bet I will be seeing Twilight on Friday night at the brand new movie theater right down the street from mi casa. I was going to go to the midnight showing on thursday night/friday morning, but I have clinical the next morning at 6am, which means up by 5. So i figured I needed more than like 2 hours of sleep to deliver babies! I mean it is an important job! So there it is. Friday night I will be in the theater, eating my popcorn, milk duds and a HUGE dr. peppa! I am so stoked you dont even know! I may even buy and wear a twilight shirt!
wootwoot!! Thanks for the advice kelly, you are a gillion times nicer than me! haha i will work on the kindness. I hope everyone is enjoying the week!!
Tori!, HAHAHAH FINAL Net-for dead people, dang that is clever as shugar. It took me a minute, but I got it. Good one~looove it! (singing voice!) Okay, I saw that girls picture and no way hozay~ not cuter than you and never funnier or smarter either.(I'm sooo like the mentalist, I can tell, I pick up on subtle clues, nuances, if you will) Now, about that girl in your class, kill her with kindness, challenge her to a staring contest, tell her about how you weren't sure you really liked this one girl that you really didn't know and now she's gone. It sounds like she's just has a really analytical personality. They hate to be wrong. Kinda like Stephanie not giving her opinion. She is anlytical. She has an opinion she just won't risk being wrong therefore clams up. It's an old trick. Being right is more important than anything. No answer is not wrong`no risk. You are a risk taker and a leader and very decisive and she can never hold a candle to your razor sharp wit, skill and intellect and cunning. So, don't let her bug you. Maybe Steph can teach you the "you are invisible and I can't see you trick." It drives people nuts. She can't do it to me because I lay on her and then she can see me if I lay on her.
Well, Kayla is 14 today. How the Shugar did that happen? She wants spaghetti for dinner. Anyway, that's what she told me, although, being the mentalist I could tell that she really wanted steak but wouldn't say it for some reason. Prolly afraid I'd lay on her too. So, sketti it is. I bought her the ABBA GOLD CD. What's the name of the game? ladedatadededededeee, What's the name of the game? dedelleeteddededdeedededeee. And I got her that Reese W. movie where she's a ghost. and clothes and stuff. Kayla came really dangerously close to making straight A's in school, last report card. Yow! She is such a little scorpio, that one. I'd like to give her a shirt that say's GIVE ME ALL YOUR LOVIN, ALL YOUR HUGS AND KISSES TOO on it in sparkley
sequins. (But not in a sexy time way.) So, everyone, lets go see Twilight this weekend and report back here with your reviews. Tori, your Christmas name is.......Tori, Tori, Hallelujah! Like it? If anyone else would like a Christmas name just see me, before Dec 25!
You so put the whammy on that relationship...and you hadn't even met her yet?? I bet she was so intimidated by your reputation she could not even stand up to the challenge of meeting you. Don't ever doubt that you are a force to reckon with baby.
Signed: The very unbiased Mother of the most fabulous, beautiful, clever girl ever!!
sOOOOOOOO, this is going to officially be my new entertainment! Between Tor and Tally I about peed my pants! 1. Kelly, why weren't you a journalist? Like for Madd Magazine or something? 2. Tori, you are smokin' hot so don't even go there! She prolly got tired of being around your sexiness and couldn't hang!
Thanks for the pic of Abby girl on here! Holy balls batman! That is totally her! Loved that Boo Boo! Just wish I had been there with you guys to see it!
And just so you all know, it has been over 4 months since Bryan and I have been dating! He's hot, has a job, great with kids, did I mention he's hot? Wowsers! He's amazing and I can't wait for you guys to meet him! Hey Logann, are you engaged or anything so we can pick on you this year? hee hee!
So both the kids are doing ice skating (don't ask, i'm hoping they hate it!), and basketball! And Abby is a brownie, but only cuz she wants to learn to build a campfire! Uncle Jon would be so proud! And school is going well too! Yeah! Even though Abby's teacher is a ...............anyway!
Love you guys and can't wait for the girl weekend!
and what the "oh sugar" is final net?
is that like aqua net? but for even older people? maybe dead ppl?
i still need to see a post from stevie toO!!
Can I please say that I am literally rolling over on my couch laughing at my aunt helly. I am so glad she is there to brighten my day which I tots needed today. Can I just say I hate perfectionists. Yes, perfection is good in small doses (like me), but I know when to let it go. I have a super freaky group member who is also a super nazi about everything related to the project. She can't ever decide on any decision and then when anyone else in the group does make a decision (i.e. me) she decides it isn't good enough and changes it, because she suddenly has an opinion! I swear she just uses my amazing ideas as a jumping off point!!
So I feel kinda bad about talking about how gorgy (gorgeous) Noah's gf was and how she was totally outdoing me in the looks dept (which is a little hard for my ego to take, i know, i know, hard to believe), but I mean she is like smoking. Anyway.... they broke up! I couldn't believe it. And noah is totally distraught so now I feel like I cursed it or something. eeeek. o well, no more competition! Let's hope the next one is homely!
I am counting down the days til thanksgiving: 10!
I hope to see a post from ann and christy??
nighty night!
I think this really needs to be read and considered. You never know until you are there and we will all be there someday.When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in North Platte , Nebraska , it was believed that he had nothing left of any value .
Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem . Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital
One nurse took her copy to Missouri . The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the St . Louis Association for Mental Health . A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem
And this little old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this ' anonymous' poem winging across the Internet .
Crabby Old Man
What do you see nurses? . . What do you see?
What are you thinking . .. . . when you're looking at me?
A crabby old man, . . . not very wise,
Uncertain of habit . . . . . . . . with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food . . . . . . . and makes no reply .
When you say in a loud voice . . .. . . 'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . . the things that you do .
And forever is losing . . . . . . . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not . . . . . . . . . . . lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . . you're not looking at me .
I'll tell you who I am As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, . . . . . . as I eat at your will .
I'm a small child of Ten . . . . . . . with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters . . . . . . . . . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . . . . a lover he'll meet ..
A groom soon at Twenty . my heart gives a leap
Remembering, the vows . .. . . . . that I promised to keep .
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . . . . I have young of my own .
Who need me to guide . . . And a secure happy home .
A man of Thirty . . . . . . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . . With ties that should last .
At Forty, my young sons . . have grown and are gone,
But my woman's beside me . . . . . . . to see I don't mourn .
At Fifty, once more, Babies play ' round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me .
Dark days are upon me . . My wife is now dead .
I look at the future . . . . . . . . . . I shudder with dread .
For my young are all rearing . . . . . young of their own .
And I think of the years . . . . And the love that I've known
I'm now an old man . . . . . . . . . and nature is cruel
Tis jest to make old age . look like a fool .
The body, it crumbles . . . . . . . grace and vigor, depart .
There is now a stone . . . . . . where I once had a heart .
But inside this old carcass . . A young guy still dwells,
And now and again . . . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys . . . . . .. . . . . I remember the pain .
And I'm loving and living . . . . . . . . . .. . . life over again .
I think of the years . all too few . . . . . gone too fast .
And accept the stark fact . . . . . . . that nothing can last .
So open your eyes, people . . . . . . open and see..
Not a crabby old man . Look closer . . . see . . . . . . ME!!
Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within . . . we will all, one day, be there, too!
PLEASE SHARE THIS POEMThe best and most beautiful things of this world can't be seen or touched . They must be felt by the heart .