Haven't heard yet who all made it through to the next round of karaoke crazy town aka American Icon. I have like 100 new friends and I've invited them all to my house for a hootenanny sometime. Oh yes I did. Because I love everyone, especially when I'm drinkin'!
I just got the most fabulous email from my friend Emily, she is in Australia! I will blog about it tomorrow if I can. I'm altogether too BUSY, I need time to ruminate on things, stare out the window, BLOG! ahhhh..
Well, here's the deal. Our lovely lady Queen LaSheba is NOT preggers as earlier suspected. I guess it's a good thing but I had visions of puppies dancing in my head that I need to replace with something else....You'll be the first to know.
I think that when I picked Sheba up from the vet today she hugged me. Not EVEN kidding!
And Mike said that when he went to pick up Moxi after her little getting fixed surgery she was laying on the gurney and when he walked in the room she reached out her paw to him. PUPPY LOVE!!!!!!
I hit the ground running this morning, girls, after a late night out. I spent all morning running errands and was driving all around this town for like five hours. I thought, five hours! I could be sitting at the bar at Tootsies drinkin' a brewski in five hours! Next time we go to Nashville can we all go to Tootsies for a beverage? A whole bunch of us? I love Tootsies and I think that sound like jolly good fun!
The Indiana peeps could meet the Tennessee peeps at Tootsies! And we should do it during the afternoon so it's not so crowded and then we should all go buy cowboy boots and hats and then we could go to the Country Music hall of fame and we should shoot a video all the while and then crop it and play Alan Jackson's, She's gone country while the video is playing. She's gone country, look at them boots!