Hi All!! O my I feel like I have so much to tell. First of all, I loved your post Kelly. It was fabulous to hear your stories of Chicago and I cannot wait to hear more. And I am just dead sure I will see Conner's sweet face on AGT this year. I just know it. The hotel sounds amazing. Is Stevie sad she didn't go? Well I am glad that she didn't, and I will tell you why in a moment.

First off, on Friday I had to go to the license branch and get an Indiana license. This also means I had to take the test as well! EEK! I was nervous but felt sure that if I could reason my way through four years of nursing school tests that I could get by on this one. Well luckily, I passed, the two guys in front of me weren't as lucky and I had nothing else to do that day and then I remembered that Noblesville had the day off from school! Yay! So I call my Stevie to see if she wants to play, and she does and she even had her mom's car too! So we were going to meet a Von Maur and in the meantime I swing by Home Goods and TJ Maxx and BestBuy. I ended up having some time to kill because Stevie had to get the car jumpstarted and then go to the bank and when she got to the bank she remembered that she forgot to shut the garage door. My lordy. But we had an amazing shopping day at the Castleton Mall. We tried on boots and scarves and all that good stuff. Stevie found the boots of her dreams and I will admit that they are perfect for her. They are canvas and have a hidden wedge heel. I tried on a few promising pairs, but nothing I was ready to commit to yet. So we headed back to my house with purchases in tow and decided to watch a scary movie. Jake came home and we ordered pizza and listened to music. It was fun. Nice and relaxing.

Let's see, after that I worked all weekend so not much to add there except for the fact that we had a pitch on saturday and sunday so I ate some delicious food, including a snickers pie. i loooove snickers, it is by far my favorite candy bar! What do you guys like?

Then today I went to a scrapbook store in castleton that I had never been to and it was amazing. There were so many things I wanted to buy and I haven't really done a lot of scrapbooking since the wedding so I was totally re-inspired (and therefore spend 115 bucks! eek!). I also got bought new curtains for my sliding glass door because I cannot stand vertical blinds (they scream 80s!-- in a bad way, not a good way). So my lovely husband put them up for me. I also went to the grocery store and then scrapbooked all afternoon. So perfect.

Tomorrow I need to pick up the dog poop and walnuts in my backyard. I cannot wait for everyone to come and see the house on Saturday! I have just been dying to have a party. I also need to plant my tulips, but I you know, I am just not feeling motivated. And I doubt I will after I pick up walnuts and poop!

It's my uncle tom's bday tomorrow. Isn't he just the cutest? I think so. I love going to his house and having dinner. He has such a relaxing way of life and to think he used to be a New Yorker. Loves it.

Today was beautiful right? I am so glad that the sun was out and it was too cold. I feel like it got too cold too fast. Brrrr. I like this it. It actually feels like fall. Yay!

I saw really cute dog halloween costumes at target today. I thought dog costumes were too expensive and maybe a little over the top and then my mom asked today if my dogs were dressing up and so now I feel like they should. I don't know, is it too much?? I don't want to be like a stage mom or anything, but they were cute and Lila could be a ladybug for just 9.99! haha. What are all my little cousins going to be for Halloweeen? I know Abby is MJ and Ty is going to be an Army dude. What about Conner? Lo? Kayla??


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