
I am pretty sure that Lila has been traumatized for life. A couple of weeks ago, I put a big, heavy quilt in the washer to clean it. It had been raining and Lila was wet so I had her in the gated off area next to the laundry room and pantry to dry off a little. Of course, the blanket got stuck all on one side and it made the washer go haywire. Not just spinning out of balance, but it was so loud I literally thought we were getting bombed. When I jumped up off the couch and ran to laundry room I see the washer about a foot away from it's usual place it is practically jumping up and down. I fling the gate open and run over and press the stop button on the washer, before it made it any further.

Phew, my heart was pounding from all the adrenaline and honestly I didn't really even notice that when I flung the gate open Lila darted to the other end of the house, our bedroom. Once I readjusted the blanket and got the washer started again I turn around to see that Lila was so scared she literally crapped herself (excuse me). Poor thing didn't even ever poop in the house as a puppy! So I clean up the mess and went to search for Lila and found her in Maverick's cage (her favorite place). It took a lot of enticing to get her out, but once I did she was shaky and a frantic mess.

I let her out to make sure she didn't have any more business to take care of and she shot out the door and ran under the porch. I didn't even try and get her out, and she eventually emerged about 20 minutes later after going to the door and checking on her a few times. Needless to say since then she no longer follows me into the laundry room when I am do laundry and definitely no longer sits there and watches me fold. She will either stay in the bedroom or go and get in Maverick's cage until I leave the laundry room. Poor thing. She has been really skiddish since then too, any loud noises and she's up and barking, which is unusual for her. Maybe she needs therapy? Hopefully she will one day get over it, as well as the barking. Oh well.


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