I was so excited to see snow this morning when I pulled back the drapes, I squeeled with delight. I was so happy, the first snow is the best, especially when I haven't seen snow in a couple of years. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. Well, then I had to head to work and it wasn't so much fun. I left a little early but I still ended up being about 5 minutes late. The roads were crazy. I was stopping at a stoplight and my ABS brakes kicked on and I am getting closer and close to rear-ending a bus! Worst thing ever! After all those years of giving Will a hard time for hitting a bus, I certainly was not going to rear-end one! My mercy. Anyway, it was crazy out there and I wish I could have jsut stayed home and sipped hot chocolate and watched movies, but I will get a chance to do it tomorrow and I think it will be even worse. But nothing compares to that morning surprise!


  1. Boo said...
    Mick was not so excited to see the snow. We discussed how horrible the Mustang is on snowy roads and he made it all the way to Carrigan and Hague beofe he and 5 other cars ended up in various ditches! After fighting a 50 car back up over the bridge, the "rents" came to the rescue (I still had curlers in my hair). Luckily Mick was only stuck in a corn field rut, others were not so lucky - one hit a pole and another was nose down in a ditch with it's tail sticking up in the air. We drove Mick to school, stopped to by a tow strap, and back to the scene of the crime. By now we were down to only 25 cars backed up to the bridge and the big Tahoe just drove right out into the corn field and we yanked the car out of the trench and drove it out of the field. By now I have taken by curlers out but have no make-up on. Great way to start the day. I hope poor Jon Michael gets a new car soon...
    Tori said...
    Poor guy! Exciting adventure though! I did mention at work today that it was a good thing I got out of the south because my inclement weather driving skills were definitely a little rusty. Plus my car doesn't have 4-wheel drive which was freaking me out a little bit!
    Ann O said...
    It took me almost 3 hours to get to school this morning!! I left at 6:30 and had to weave around different roads to get around accidents! I finally made it to school just in time for my second class of the day at 9:30! Almost made it through the semester without a snowy drive! Though Will told me he was some nice high school girls knight in shining armor when he pulled them out of a ditch on his way to work this morning! What a nice guy!
    Unknown said...
    oh my goodness! my dive was very unenventful! but i head some boys talking about mick and his exciting corn field experiance!! i found that anusing. and i talked to mick and the hallway and told him about my dream! bucause him and shelby were in it! and there were sharks! *chomp*chomp*
    Boo said...
    Mick says he got lots of comments at school today. He told them he thought a corn field was a great place to park! It's funny how my kids like to have incidents where half of Noblesville has to drive by and see them. Ann I'm glad to hear you made it to school safe and sound...but now we know where the tow strap is...with your knight and shining armor???
    Tori said...
    This is funny. although, ann, that sucks.
    Tiffer Sniffer said...
    poor mickster!
    hey tor-when you used the word "squealed" i thought of charlotte's web!
    love u

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