Workingon my fitness

I joined Lifetime Fitness today in Castleton... it is AMAZEBALLS! They have a ginormous cardio area! With tvs and stuff. Also a big ol area to do weights in. They have two group fitness studios, where they also have yoga and pilates which I am sooo stoked for. They have a super nice locker room with marble floors and ionic blowdryers. Super nice ones. Plus a steam room and you can use the pool that has an awesome slide, a hot tub and a lap pool tool! It is crazy. they also have a climbing wall, racquetball courts, basketball courts and squash! I don't even really know what squash is, except for the veggie! I am so excited to get back in shape and burn some calories. Awesome! Gyms are so funny. People are checking all the other people out. Its like high school almost, except people are sweaty. oooh they also have a salon and spa! Crazy right?? Oh! And a cafe where you can buy meals, snacks and protein shakes. I cannot wait to have a shake/smoothie.

Jake and I finalized all the plans for our kitchen today! yay! i am so excited. We went to the showroom to look at countertops and pick out the color we wanted. We decided to go with the laminate that looks like granite. it is going to be amazing. I cannot wait. We are getting an under the counter sink too! Hopefully it will all be here in about 2-3 weeks.... just in time for me to host a bday party at my home! Cannot wait!!


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