Pom Pom

it is a raining today. how beautiful. we were going to hit Italy today, i am sure glad we decided to go tomorrow.

last night we got all gussied up and hit... Antibes, it's near Cannes. and we went to this bar called Pom Pom where they had some crazy lights and dancers and music and it was awesome! i imagined it would be something you would find in new orleans. which makes sense because Louisiana is French based... well anyway. it was me, Julie, Julie's older sister Melanie, and Melanie's friend whose name i cant remember... but i cant spell it anyway so it doesn't matter. and so we all got something to drink... Julie got some wierd Banana drink that was pretty but tasted... not so pretty. melanie got a Gin Fizz, hers was by far the prettiest. and Mel's friend and i got Margaritas. I thought 1) hay! tori likes these! 2) its frozen! and its really hot! 3) there are too many choices. well Tequila is a powerful substance. and these drinks were STRONG, so i was feeling a little... silly. so i decided i needed food. but the Pom Pom only has alcohol and ice cream!? really really! but the ice cream looked magical. but i knew that ice cream with my margarita was a bad bad idea... so i payed my 12,90 euros and got the hell outta dodge ') (insert giggle here) so i made us go get fries because i needed them. and lucky enough there was a place near the club we were going to! so Julie and i split thing of french fries. but then there was the picture of the delectable cheese burger staring me in the face... so i said julie i need that burger. so i went to get it. i ordered it. she took my card. my card was denied!? its a good thing Melanie came to check on me and paid the 2,50 for me... i payed her back this morning .) but let me tell you. Burgers and Fries just taste sooo good in france. and they make me happy. im sorry i cant help it. i was told i was a true american .)))) great. i cant help it. i just love a good buger. after that i felt much less tilty. so we went into the club. where the meanie guy who lets people in, cut me off! and i was in back, so i got seprated! i was like im with them! im american! help! Julie!!! haha and they let me in .) the club was very cute but kinda boring... idk. it was okay. i was more interested in watching other people so i kept getting in trouble for not dancing. i cant help that i find it much more entertaining to watch other people dance then for me to dance myself. and my shoes were Hurting my feet. and i understand why clubs in america you have to be like over 21, because teenagers really are annoying. they really weren't annoying but if i was older and i went to a club and it was filled with like 17 year olds, i would be annoyed. there was a 2.500 euro bottle of champaign? i think it was!!! CRAZY! and a bottle of gray goose was like... 180 or something. 5 euros for a coke. it was funny. well that is all i can think of! i hope you enjoy my crazy adventures of last night! and i hope its not inappropriate? i decided it wasn't... but you never know.


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    mercy me. You have always loved le Hambergeauuughhhh.
    Boo said...
    mercy me...how about the margaritas?? I'm the only one allowed to overserve you at your young, tender age!

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