Good Evening,
Kelly wanted me to let you all know that they do have official word now on the type of brain tumor that Kelsey has, and it is a glioblastoma.
They will be meeting with the Oncologist to go forward with a plan of treatment to include chemotherapy and radiation. Kelsey may also undergo some experimental treatment as well.
At this point, they are not sure if they may be going elsewhere for some of the treatment, or staying here. Both Kelsey and Kelly are remaining as positive as they can, and truly taking each day as it comes. Kelsey's Faith throughout all this is continuing to amaze all those who have seen him, and I know this will carry him far!

There are still a few open dates left (one next week) for bringing meals on, and it would be most appreciated if anyone has the time-- if they could bring a meal to the Stewarts. Kelly has said many times these meals have been such a gift to their family, and it really does help them out.
Please continue to keep Kelsey in your prayers.....
Kelly Tully


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