Kelly P.'s Request for PRAYER

Please pray for Kelly's husband Kelsey. He thought he had a sinus infection but a catscan showed a brain tumor. Kelly called me yesterday and asked me to pray for Kelsey. They were on their way to the hospital. She called me again last night at 11:30 and said they were going to do a biopsy and then possibly surgery.

Let me tell you something, if you ever for one moment ever just once believed in the power of prayer, please pray for the Stewart family, Hailey, Elisha, Noah, Chloe and Brianna. (That is Kelly's lil' Sis Laura standing next to her.) 

When Kelly and I both moved back to Indiana and she told me that all of those years that we had lost touch with each other she prayed for me. Can you imagine knowing someone prayed for you for years like that? I feel such an immense amount of gratitude to her for that. And it is not uncommon for her to call me out of the blue to tell me how much I mean to her and how thankful she is that I'm her friend. I don't need to tell you all how awesome our Kelly is. I know she is very scared right now. I am asking for prayer for her and her family. Please continue to pray for Kelsey's healing, comfort, strength. Pray for all of his Doctors and caregivers. Pray for his children and please pray for Kelly. Pray that she may know a strength and a peace and a love that passes all understanding. It is from the bottom of my heart that I pray for healing for Kelsey and it is from the bottom of my heart that I ask you to please join me. Kelly did tell me last night that God was showing his love for them through their loved ones and that they were strong. I think the whole family stayed with Kelsey last night. I will keep you posted about his progress through this ordeal. Thank you! Love you!
Kelly C.


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