
I'm just gonna tell you about my day.
I got up a little earlier this morning than usual which was nice. Nice to have a little extra time in the morning. I could hear cute little Stephanie downstairs making the coffee. Delightful. So I waited for the beep....and THEN I HOPPED out of bed and darted down the stairs, got my favorite cup. Put some half and half in it and then poured the wonderful hot coffee in. Ahhhhh! I grabbed a fleece blanket and sat on the couch in the front room. I can see out the window and it's still dark out and the stars are shining! In comes Kayla, Mike and Conner. I usually say my prayers while the sun is rising. I think that's a mighty fine way to go about the morning. Mighty fine indeed. So, then I had to go get dressed and drive to work. Work was fun today. Just was. Then I drove home and on the way home KiKi called me which was very nice so we had a lovely chat. I came home and put on my flannel penguin jammies which are still so comfy and warm after three years of wonderfulness. Thank you BooBoo. Conner is at BeBe's this evening and staying the night. Kayla is at her cousin Chelsea's house and Steph is at Matteos. Mike is in the kitchen and I am typing away on the bputer. I don't know why! I've been on one all day long! I had a dream last night that I owned a Saloon but it was really a juice bar. It was soooooo cooooooool! wheat grass shots and all. We had lemon shake ups and fresh squeezed orange juice and we had these little tiny bags with bacon in them. They were awesome! Just like a small order of McDonalds french fries but bacon. Huh. Me so crazy.! I am thinking about writing a little biography about my friend Geneva who is 95 years old. I interviewed her for the newsletter at church. She lives in Deming and you know what? Her hair isn't even all grey yet! She is still like salt and pepper haired! Can you imagine! Oh my she's precious. What an interesting life. ANd on Tuesday we are having a party at church for my friend Jay who is also turning 95. He is a friend of Genevas. When he was a kid people still rode horse and buggies to church! Imagine that if you will! He lives in Deming too. Did you know that Deming used to have TWO Grocery stores? What? I know! You could knock me over with a feather with that bit of news! I love Deming. It's so cute and little. Well, we are starting the first phase of our church restoration project. We need $50,000. We have already received $10,000 in donations! Our church was established in 1836 so it will be 175 years old next year! That is about ten years older than most of the buildings in downtown Noblesville I believe. Well, hey, why don't some of youzins' drop a line sometime. sho nuf would like to hear what chyall duin.


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