Sorry it's been ages since I last blogged! I barely have time to itch my a%& these days! lol! School started today, I will be posting first day pics very soon! Abby is thrilled to have an adorably young teacher who is a surfer and loves the cubs! How perf is that! She loves her! Ty is as tall as his cutie patootie teacher and she has kindergarten teacher written all over her! She's great! It's gonna be a good year, I can feel it! All is great with me as well! Got a steady balance with family and work (finally), it feels good to be busy and loved! Bry's tennis is off and running so don't see him much, just makes me appreciate what I got when he gets home. Been cooking quite a bit lately, ok, well crock pot cooking if that counts! Throw it in the crock before work, get home, and wah lah........din din!!!! It works! Talked to BeBe today and she is on cloud nine with the little miracles in her life! She says Poppa still takes care of her! Thanks to Kelly, her prayer, and her church, Betty Boop will be cruisin' in style in her motorized chair! Go Go Bingo Betty! Miss and love you all (as we say here in Indiana!!!)! Off to take my rocker daughter to her first drum lesson! Oh lord, what next? Rock on chickee!
Peace out!
Hugs and Kisses!
Tiffy B