
How ya'll doin? I'm good.

To say I've been remiss in my blogging duties would be an understatement. To say I miss blogging would be the understatement of the year.

I am however, hopefully filling my time with worthwhile endeavors and will no longer here the sweet remark "You have far too much time on your hands" as comments to my long winded, meandering, non sensical stylings.

And now that I have no free time at all what so ever I have to steal it away from the day. Like now. many things to be done. All will wait so that I may tell you all about whatever it is I have to want to need to stay.

It seems not exciting enough to tell you that I've been to glorious baseball games, heartwarming church services, intense meetings, Doctors appointments, work,work,work,cook,cook,cook. See, rather dull in retrospect but believe me when I tell you at the time, while it's occuring its all so fabulous. So I will try a listing of highlights that may amuse or worry you, depending. Let's see. I have no idea what I'm going to say, except for #1 and that may be all thre is. But I kinda think not.

10. Kyndrick and Stevie are back. And I saw them and they were both very smiling so, yea for those two little sweeties.
9. I got a new car! WHHHAAATTT!!!!! I KNOW! It's a Jeep you should see it it is sweet.
8. We are going to go see the Gaithers in concert this Friday night at Conseco. Stevie hasn't been to a Gaither show for...13 years.
7. I made Moms clam sauce and it was delicious. It's the first time and I was so excited. I've been wanting to make it forever! Thanks to BooBoo for putting it in the Clark CookBook.
6. My hair is really turning gray. You can almost watch it turn. Unless you have stuff to do.
5. My little Stevie Wevie will be 18 sooooon. in JUNE on the 4th and I need fun Birthday ideas. She's been threatning to fire me as her Mom for like forever now so it better be good and I need help!!!
4. Mike is singing next Saturday at the War Memorial while people place flags around for fallen heroes. He is singing I'm proud to be an American. I will post the info later.
3. Conner loves baseball to the MAX so cute.so fun. Baseball is a beautiful sport, it has an elegence and an enchanting quality I cannot explain. And I mean it.
2. Kayla takes drivers ed in June. She has Cross Country Camp and is also going to Quaker Haven this summer and has running club all summer long. She's a busy Gal ain't she. She has been talking about joining the Coast Guard like her Father before her.
1. I love you all so much and think of you often and pray for each one of you and your families daily. I miss you when I don't see you but I carry your hearts with me. I carry them in my heart.

peace,my sweetnesses, peace to you and yours, tender mercies and gentle kindess do I wish for you always,

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    Yay! Good to hear from ya!

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