Happy birthday my sweet! I think you need to personally write a blog about your night last night so we can hear about it from your POV. I don't want to ruin any of your story telling but I just had the best time. The food was marvy and the company was entertaining. You know it was a good party because I didn't leave until after 1! So here are my 10 favorite things about you, Stephanie:
1. You know how to have a jolly good time with nothing more than good company
2. You hear others opinions but never sacrifice your own.
3. You let me boss you around (sorry ;)
4. You are a real natural beauty
5. Happiest curled up on the couch with a good book.
6. Mature, but still in touch with your inner child
7. Giggle fits
8. Best shopping partner ever
9. Amazing fashion sense
10. Proud of who you are and not willing to change for anyone but yourself.

I am so glad your time capsule came true and we are bffs.


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