We survived!

We've had a pretty cozy snow/ice day today. Jake did some work from home this morning while I worked on laundry. We ordered a pizza for lunch and watched Avatar with a pretty nice little fire that we've had going for the better part of the day. It was around two o'clock when I realized how happy & content I was. I had absolutely no complaints with my hubby by my side, dogs curled up at my fight, a full belly and a hot fire, not mention a good movie on the tv. It's really nice to have to think about the outside world sometimes and just focus on your family! I guess tomorrow it is back to reality for us as we head back to work but for now I'm going to enjoy my last few relaxing hours with my feet propped up by the fire!

Love you guys!

1 Comment:

  1. hick said...
    did the same, but no puppies, i will settle for grandkids
    heading to marco tomorrow, a little fishing and boating it's time some of you head down for a visit with us you are all welcome anytime you hear we're there

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