I totally got a computer virus from Pioneer Woman on my computer at work! And the computer guy from the other side of the building had to come over here and fix it. Yikey schmikey!
Well, last night was way fun. Tiff and Bryan where ther and sang too! I got to sing with Bryan! We did Cheryl Crow and Kid Rock. Picture. It was totes brill to the max. Tiffy B sang too. She looked adorable and sang so sweetly-ella-ella-ella.ayayay.
What is the magic that happens when you have the equation

beer+karaoke=really thinkin'I'm a rock star?
Too much beer+karaoke=HOT MESS-hot=Mess
karaoke+NO beer=BORING SINGER standing there singing dumbly.

I am a great observer of our planet and the things in and on it.

I got to bed at about 12:30 last night WAY too late for this old rock star gold dust woman. And I had anxiety because I knew I had to wake up early and I was going to be short on sleep and was concerned about future suffering I would endure.

Stay out to late on a Monday Night+Karaoke+beer=neurotic dreams for the Gold Dust Woman while she sleeps.

So this was my dream.

I drove myself halfway to work in my pajamas with both dogs in the car and my work clothes in the trunk. I parked the car half way there and got out and walked the dogs in my pajamas with the missing button and my slippers the rest of the way. I got to work and I had two dogs with me and was in my pajamas with the missing button. I also had two strange men with me,one had a long beard and was Moxi's spirit guide or some kinda thing. When I got to my cubicle there was a beautiful baby girl in a basket waiting for me sleeping and precious but I was wondering what I would feed the babe and if I had brought a bottle. So, here I am in my cubicle in my pj's with the missing button two dogs a baby and a spirit guide or two.
SO! The great thing is when I woke up I was tired and running a little behind but I was dressed and I left the dogs behind, so I actually felt pretty good about that.he pajamas in my dream were the actual pj's I was wearing which made it all to real for this Gold Dust Woman.


  1. Tori said...
    beer+karaoke= HOT-mess= HOT HOT HOT! I think it is so cute that you and bry sang together. I didn't know he was a singer. I really wish I could be there, like it hurts me soul (argh). and i love your dream. I am glad you didn't live out your dream in real life.
    Tiffer Sniffer said...
    Oh you should have heard it! Kelly and Bry were fantabulous! Too cute! And I must say that Kelly and Mikey singing leather and lace was amazing! Goosebumpin' city! You guys are darling! Had a blast witcha! And I'm not even gonna comment on the equations because I think I was each of them at all points last night! You know it's true Tally!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Bryan+Beer+Karaoke=During musical break in song drink your beer with big long slow sips.
    Kelly+Beer+Karaoke=Over sing at every possible oppertuuunityyyyy.Otherwise,why bother?

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