okay then

Well, I thought I should write a note. All I do is post pics and vids anymore. Not good enough. *crickets* yeah, well, I'm at work. I get to go home in like 30 minutes. I had pirogi's for lunch. Then I had some Hershey's kisses and I had a half a Dr. Pepper and some pretzels. Aren't you glad I told you what I ate? Isn't that just great? I had grape nuts and peanut butter on toast for breaky. And some coffee. Not a single fruit or vegetable! Or meat. Or dairy. Wow, that's bad. Huh. I am going to make chicken salad for dinner. walnuts, red grapes and celery, sour cream and mayo and pepper and salt. Sounds amazing, right?
My cube mater, Amanda said she just got off the phone with a lab in Texas and they have 4 positive test results for the Mexican flu in their lab today. Amanda is flying to Texas next week for business and they told her to wear a mask. Now, she doesn't even want to go. Can't say that I blame her. Two guys from the office are vacationing in Mexico this week. Did you see the pig farm where they think all this started? We should all boycott those big pig farms. Let's do. I'm in.
What else can I say? Oh, today, I want to cut my hair like Judy Dench.
Oh, and that Simms trailer had an ad attached to it about a Quaker websight called friendsjournal.org and I totes mcgotes checked it out. Thanks Tori. Did I tell you that Bonnie Raitt is a Quaker? How cool is that? I know! Right? So, anyway. feeling sorta blahhh, I usually do at 6:00. I dun did a lotta sittin today gerlz. Well, I need to go hand out the mail. That's not a sit down job. Except most of it is junk mail so when I walk int peoples offices with their mail they look up and groan. It's very dis-heartning. Must be something like being a dentist, only lamer. Lamer=more lame. I think it's a word. I don't think it's a word. I'm too lazy to put more in front of lame and adding an er is easier. Lame-o. That's a word. Not sure about the hyphen. lame o lamo lameo. See, whay I haven't written lately? There's nuthin' in my noggin. okay, later, hot tater tot. I just made that up. just now. Remember to wash those hands! peace, love and blog on my beauties, blog on till the break of dawn!


  1. logann elizabeth said...
    kelly you do need to post more of you just writing like this. i love it
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Logann, I just love you. Maybe it's the passion tea talking, but I really do.

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