
Kelly!!! i am vey upset you went and got a peni and medi with out me?! you are in trouble. we are listeneing to Juno and getting ready to paint our own nails. c(= Tori and i did buy new jeans!!!! like 60% off!!! i have been looking for jeans for a year! and i got them! AND THEY WERE ON SALE! what an incredible experience!!this mornin we watched Reno 911 and what not to wear. and last night we watched the unrated version of role models. it was quite funny auctually. Jake made popcorn! so i was a happy camper. We picked up Jets Pizza wich on a 1-10 scale is about a 6. we took Maverick to the park! he is a very good dog. i like him very mcuh. Emily and i slept on a air mattress in the office, and i sat in jakes chair and pretended to be jake for a minute, then i made him nervsous and he kicked me out. not auctually but you understand. then after our TV experience we went to Starbucks (i got a Cinnamon Dolcha Latte, Tori got a lite carmel frapp, emma got a mocha frapp), SuperTarget, an Antique store, the Mall, and DSW. no one bought anything. now we are home and ate left over pizza and drank cherry Kool-aid. Oh we did not go see the movie because we got busy shopping. but we may go tomorrow. We saw at catipiller when we were coming outta the antique shoppe! oh and at Lucky Tori saw a beautiful scarf that was like $50. and i we found an incredible black fitted leather jacket. it was incredible and the boy working said it looked even better on. i wonder why? mabey cuz it was $400! Emily has not found anything she loves yet. But she learned how to stay alive in the woods!! tonight we are gonna eat mexican and watch the Office with Travis and Brittany. and we are getting ready to watch a movie. mabey something indie? who knows.


  1. Unknown said...
    i forgot. i opened the car window and a lady bug flew in the car and landed on my shirt. we got a picture. but i did not want to pick the lady up so tori did and it peed on her! and its legs touched her and it was an interestering experience.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    love,love,love it!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    AND, I love that you told me what everyone order at $-Bucks, because you KNEW I would ask. totesbrill.
    Unknown said...
    you are a silly mommy. but i love you! we are going shopping today. Logann is home, and she brought her friend Katie. and Toris friend brittany may come with also. We watched 2 episodes of the office last night and 1 episode of parks and recreation. interestering, very interestering.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Emily, will you post next pleeeeease.please. I'll tell your Mom you were in the woods if you dont.THE WOODS!do it.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    You should be glad you wern't with me for the mpdi meni because that thing happened where I did about three really embarrasing things right in a row. Better you wern't there. I don't know what happened, but, You know, once it starts it has to run it's course. It just has to. And there was this really prissy girl sitting next to me and I could tell she thought I was in her space, so I think that's why I became super annoying and akward because sometimes if I think someone thinks they are better than me I like to push their buttons and really act even more weird than usual. I know you know what I mean. I shouldn't do it, I know I shouldn't but I get a preverse pleasure from it. I'm a bad lady. snooty mcsnootersons couldn't get out of there fast enough. That's okay because when she left that cute little girl sat down and sang to me. She totally looked like that little girl in Rush Hour Three.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    It was Rush Hour, not Rush Hour three. Remember she sat in back of the limo singing on the way to school? She got kidnapped but Jackie Chan saved her.

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