I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I am in the photography building right now printing off my photos for my project that is due on Monday. Then I am planning on returning to my dorm to change out of my "artsy" outfit and go for a run at Forsyth Park. It is this big park here in Savannah that is exactly one mile around. Great for people watching!! Then I am headed to the beach with all my girl friends! There are no clouds in the sky today, it is just fabulous!! Yesterday I was in Jacksonville, Fl playing soccer. That didnt go so well since we have zero subs! Next weekend is easter and I am OHH soo excited about that. I am a little bummed because I wanted to try and come home for easter but of course I have soccer! I am in the coolest class this semester. Its survey for Computer Arts and i wish i could just stay in this class the remaining time i have at scad. We are learning all about photoshop. Right now we are taking pictures and combining them together. It is soo niftyyy! Once i finish mine I will put it up here for everyone to see. Since I want to do advertising, i am taking a picture i took of my friend annabel and turning it into a gas ad. TORI: have you decided on what you are going to do for your graduation partayy? I need to start planning ahead and figure out how i am going to make it! This post is soo scatter brained cause thats how i feel right now. Hick I am still laughing about your story!! I hope yall have a great day!!

xoxo lo

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    can't wait to see the pics. I think we are def going to have a little family shindig in indy I am just unsure about when. It will probably be end of may or beginning of june. I will keep you updated.

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