It cannot be helped

Here you see a picture of Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore as Big Edie and Little Edie Beale (Bouvier)in Grey Gardens, the HBO movie about their lives. Let it be said that I am obsessed with every detail of this movie. I want to travel to the Hamptons to see this place, Grey Gardens, in person. It's an incredible story with all the ingredients that make life and humans and their relationships so interesting. It's a story I can hardly believe is true it's so poetic. These women are larger than life and they lived this small life together for 25 years. We watched it at Moms last Saturday night. Stevie and I loved it, so did Mom I think. Jamie seemed to like it okay. I sent Jesse, Jamie's little sister and Michaela into the front room to watch something on the Disney channel because it just wasn't working for them so much. Jessica Lange did a brilliant job as Big Edie and I am glad to see Drew take on a role like this. I was worried but she did great. What is it about her that reminds me of My sweet Tiffani? Something in the way she moves, talks, her underlying intelligence and obvious gift for physical comedy. Well, I must go now so I can't write about Grey Gardens any longer. I wish we were on the beach sipping champagne watching the sun set so I could just talk away about Grey Gardens but, My Darlings we must get together soon, if I thought I wasn't going to get to see you all and very soon I don't think I could bear it. I think Kimberly Darling has been trying to gather all of the lovelies for a summer soiree' so how bout it? On a wonderful side note Conner lost one of his front teeth yesterday after eating an apple and today the second one fell out. AND He has been ivited by Mr. Harold to take a test in math to see if he is ready to take an accelerated math class. (Mike's Gand parents were both employed by the pentagon as accountants. But, you should see his artwork, so I know I'm his mother.


  1. Tiffer Sniffer said...
    Speechless! I love being described by Kelly! It makes me feel special! Now I have to watch it!!!!!!
    Tori said...
    Yes, I cannot wait to see it. I hope I can Netflix it soon.

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