James Otto

Okay, this guy win a CMA award last year for his song "Just got started loving you" and when he came up on stage his face looked animated. He was a struggling songwrite in Nashville for years and finally made it to the top and someone talked him into puffing up his face with a lot of botox, not a little. I kept saying. "What's wrong with his face?" over and over. Anyway, I can't find the words to describe this look, Except, maybe it looks like Hirsh's bread while it's rising, before it's been baked. Now, I've never really seen botox in person except for Fred's girlfrien Gail had the lines around her mouth and chin done and I thought it looked good. I'm going to say that like somany things there is an art to it. If it's done right, it's probably awesome. But, oh my gosh, how careful one must be. Good thing is it doesn't last forever I guess. And, it seems addictive somehow.


  1. Tori said...
    i think james is backed by john rich. i saw him on cmt cribs once and his face looked tres better. very natural, def not like in this pic. i am sorry, but a man with botox is just not right.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Yeah, He's part of the Music Mafia~ Word, TORI! I saw pics of him looking normaller too. It's like they botoxed under his EYES!

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