Well i made it back to savannah safe and sound.  I dont think I will ever be able to leave my house with out shedding a tear or two.  I know I will be seeing my mom in two weeks but just something about leave my house gets the tears flowing.  But this should be a fun week for me.  I am doing this cool lighting photography project this week and creating my own logo! Tori, I hate to tell you but my Romance Revolution class is not as cool as it once sounded.  My teacher is very interesting man, but just kind of talks and doesnt teach.  We have zero test in that class and only 4 essays.  Its weird.  We are planning on going to the beach this weekend because its suppose to be pretty.  I dont know if I told yall but i officially declared my major and minor.  For now it is officially Advertising and minoring in Photography. I found out this weekend that I got into the apartment dorms for next year! It should be really interesting.  I am living with my friend Katie from tennessee, and then an Australian and a girl from Sweden.  We are all on the soccer team but the two internationals are upper classman.  But anything will be better then my living situation right now!!! Thats about it for right now, hope all is well



  1. Tori said...
    ahh! what a perfect life you lead! glad you made it back!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I can't wait to see you LOGO LOgann. Ahhhhh I wish I could be there. I want to help. fonts & colors and doo dads...heaven.
    logann elizabeth said...
    well i put up some of my ideas and get input from you!!

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