good morning lovelies. well another momentous occasion has occurred! I just took my last regular exam of my undergraduate career. I don't know if you can tell, but graduating is kinda something I am looking forward to!

ugh last night I had the worst dream! I dreamed that when I showed up for my test today, my instructor handed me a grade printing out basically saying I had to get 100% on my test today to have a chance at passing my course! I was sooo freaking out, because I did well on my other tests and the math just didn't add up to failing, but no one believed me. So I was basically going to fail a class in my last semester of college and take it again in the fall. It was horrible, but luckily I woke up and I knew it wasn't true. Thank goodness.

After class today I am going to work to make those dolla dolla bills ya'll. I was checking out my calender and next week wraps up my classes! So exciting. I hope eveyone had a great weekend!

1 Comment:

  1. Boo said...
    Congratulations kiddo! My how time flies. I'm so proud to be your Mom!!

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