Sooo.... whenever I finally get a guest room here is what I am going to fill it with. I have been obsessed with this chair!! This is my fave color, but they have a ton of others too (it's from urban outfitters... they have a great home dept). I want to make it a really girly room hehehe, I hope my guests will like it!

The bed and the table are both from ikea sooo the price is very affordable. I can just see a giant glass vase with bright pink peonies sitting on this table and a cute comforter with bright pillows. Something very light and airy. All of this with hardwood floors of course and some awesome rug!


  1. Tori said...
    girly with a little bit of whimsy. Kind of like living in a fairytale cottage.
    logann elizabeth said...
    yesss i love it tori
    Boo said...
    And in which state will this very fairytale guest bedroom be located...just incase I need to make a reservation?
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I can see Stevie laying on that couch with her bridesmaid dress on.

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