Hi! We are all here safe and sound in Nashville. I had fun catching up Stevie on the blog and introducing it to Emily. Bebe even went through some of the most memorable ones with us, such as Lo's skirt, Hick's fart, and Kelly's weird Gold Dust Woman talking about Mike's fashion (more on that later). I think today will include a trip to Macy's to visit our favorite Kiki and steal her for lunch after she tells us all about all the amazing deals there! And I am def hoping to get in a Maverick park trip. I had to stay up last night and work on a paper that I have due today, which I should be finishing right now, but I absolutely cannot ever get anything done without doing my morning internet routine (email, fb, popsugar, bank account, belmont email, blogspot!!, perez hilton, twitter) so you can see it takes me awhile to get up and going in the morning after having to check all of those things and sometimes I add on ebay or amazon.com or maybe the juicy couture website. i love that website. it is so beautiful. Which reminds me, I absolutely must stop by the store today in green hills!!! And of course, no trip to the park is complete without a frapp! Well, I guess I better mosey on and finish up this paper so that I may devote myself wholly to entertaining the girls, which is quite a hefty task! eek! I will insist that the post though in the meantime. love love love ya!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    oops, i just called and woke up little stevie. I'm sorry, but don't blame it on me, blame it on my wild heart, wiiild heart, wild heart.

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