I am still in awe of my mothers fart story! She doesn't display many blogs, but by god when she does........she does!!!! Love ya mum!

I must say that I think that Abby girl is a 14 yr. old trapped in a 7 yr. olds body!

I think that TyTy keeps getting cuter every day, and when I tell him that I think he got cuter today he runs to the mirror and says, "Let me see!!!!".

I have a splinter in the tip of my left pointer finger........it hurts.

Ty calls his penis "spitter man". (cuz it spits pee of course. omg!)

Bryan hugs me every single day, and i like it.

Abby decided she wanted to come up with her own clothing line which was boys clothes but actually for girls. She wants to name it TOMBOY.

My favorite commercial right now is the one with Bobby Knight and Metallica! It's hilarious!

I think my mom is stunningly beautiful.

Everyone says I look just like her!

I actually couldn't resist that last comment, but I really meant the one before that!

I love a rainy night!

I want Tori's hair.

And Lo, can I have your eyes?

Stevie, I'd love to have your lovely cheeks and skin!

Tiffy B..........signing off!


  1. Tori said...
    looove this post. abby is beautifully precious as well as ty! I wish i could see them everyday.
    logann elizabeth said...
    I agree. I love that post. I want to meet bryan! Maybe when i come up to Indy for Toris grad party!!? And both of your children are beautiful and so wonderful...you've kind of done a good job with them. :)
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Tiffy B.
    hick said...
    thanks for the compliment miss silver tongue..your the best

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