oh life

I find myself struggling! As previously noted I feel like I have no idea what the future holds for me. I know, I know, you guys will tell me not to worry, but I cannot help it. Here are my majah stressors:
1. is it time to move back to indiana? and with this question comes is there a good job in indiana? is there a good job for Jake in indiana? if we stay in tennessee how much longer do we stay in tennessee??
2. I got put on a waitlist for the job at vanderbilt. Therefore, I have no more clue about whether or not I have a job there than I did for the last two months while I waiting for them to make a decision. I mean I guess it is good because it is not a flat out no, but at least then I would know for sure that it wasn't an option. So my options have not narrowed at all. ugh. And I could still get chosen for the job all the way up until July 6th. And if we stay in Tennessee and I still haven't heard from them and I get a job somewhere else and then they are like hey we want you, then what?ahhhh.
3. we are going to sell our house soon. only problem is (back to number 1), are we looking for house a tn or in? plus of course, there are a ton of little things that have to be done. Last week we repaired the walls and painted and got some grass seed for the backyard. This week we got some paint to touch up the trim and jake is crunching numbers for new carpet. I know all of you know what is like getting a house ready to put on the market.
4. jake really loves his job here in nashville, but with the economy there isn't as much room for growth for him as there once looked like there was. plus i feel ready to move back to indy and possibly start a job there. sooooooo obviously that is a conflict.
5. if I start a job in indy, i would have to get my nursing license in indy bc of course, the tennessee nursing license does not have reciprocity there. And of course, I have to turn in the application for licensure to the Tennessee board by the 21st of this month so it rapidly approaching.

and i feel like i could go on and on and on about my issues, but I just needed to vent them I guess. I need to get a new dress for graduation too and all my friends here get mad at me when I mention moving back to indy. hopefully dress shopping will make me feel better, but I don't know when I will get a chance to go.

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    You have everything you need to make these decisions except maybe one thing. patience. It seems like Indiana is calling to you. It can do that, it's a special place. You've been wait-listed and Jake will need to work some place that he can continue to grow...... The arrows are pointing in this direction. But selling your home and leaving your friends is a big decision. Maybe you and Jake could decide to move home but don't tell anybody for a while and see how it feels. If you feel anxious aor sad then you will know that you are meant to stay. If you feel relieved and excited then you will know that it's truly your hearts desire. Make a decision to stay and see if that feels right for a couple of weeks. You may be surprised. Just remember not to tell anyone what you've decided so you can change your mind if it feels wrong and you won't have to explain yourselves. Maybe you want to move to Minnesota? Or Colorado. Might as well think of every possible option now. Tennessee is beautiful and the people seem lovely. And,you have a lot of really good memories there. We tried to move there and it did not work out. But now I'm glad. Super glad we didn't go. Going and staying are both really good options for you guys. But I will say, if you are going to start a family nothing beats having your Mom and Dad close.

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