I figured that if you are with Tori today you may be on the blog! Are you? Are you there? (crickets)....
Whatch doin?
whatcha doin later?
whatca doin?
What did you do last night?......
Are you awake?
Ahh, Your not even awake yet Are You?
Let Me see, today you will possibly go to Starbucks(frap or Cap), take Mav to the park, go out to lunch(mexican or japanese), shop(urban outfitters or pangea), make bread(italian or french), make pop corn(caramel or butter), watch a movie(Ryan Gossling or Leonardo DiCaprio). Am I close???? Is it a sunny beautiful day? What are you wearing? Will you go to Tootsies and have a coke? And imagine a very young Willie Nelson sitting at the bar hungry and penniless, writing songs? Will you? Will you buy cowboy boots today? Please take pictures and post them okay? I'm sitting in an office cubicle in Indiana and have been for 16 months, please, please, I implore you to post some pictures.
Cubicle Woman


  1. Tori said...
    you are pretty close with your guess of what we are going to do today.... we just have so many amazing possibilities!!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Macy's! I missed that one.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Say Hi to KiKi for me, take a picture! Take a picture of where she works too so I can see her in her element. just do it, okay?

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