Good Friday

Good Friday is confusing, sort of isn't it? I think it is. Maybe it should be called Right Friday or Necessary Friday or Sad Friday. Solemn Friday. I often wonder if we even have the day or date right. I try not to worry about this too much though.Much of what we know about the history of Christianity is not exact and that can be troubling but,we work with what we've got.
So, here we are,it's Good Friday,once more. I remember when I was little and I heard about Jesus crucifixion, my first thought was , Ohhhh, We are so,so, in trouble. And for the first time I saw people as being bad. Now, later I've come to understand all that went before and all that came after.I'm sure many kids feel the same way when they first hear the story of this Holy Man that was killed. How can that possibly be good?
But, what Jesus did was good, for us. Through the miracle of love He made a way for us to overcome ourselves and have a chance to be more. But we had to be the ones to do it. We had to commit that terrible act ourselves. And when I say "we", I take that very personally, because even though it happened long before I was born,I was there. And in a way I'm still there,because I believe that a part of Him lives in Me. I feel especially vulnerable on Good Friday because I do believe that he was scared. And it's hard for me to imagine Jesus being scared.It's similar to trying to deal with anyone that you loves pain. The compassion in you can make you feel it too.
So, today represents Jesus sacrifice he made for all of us. Because he gave his life, our spirits are no longer bound. We are welcomed to transcend that which is finite. Sometimes it's hard to see the big picture and realize that we are all more alike than we are different. To understand that we are all in this together. I believe that Jesus helps us understand this when he tells us to love one another. Because he was a healer, we are healers too.
People can turn religion into a path of separation, which is the opposite of Jesus message. He could see things that we could not. So, he told us stories and gave us hope. Isn't that good? So, Good Friday it is. A bittersweet day. My love for him has expanded my capacity for love. His love for all of us is so big,it's transforming. Just wait until Easter!


  1. Tiffer Sniffer said...
    Well Good Friday means all of those things, but I can add one more thing to make it extra special! I now celebrate it as one of the greatest moments of my life because I brought my Abby Blake home from the hospital on Good Friday! I became a mommy that day!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I remember that day. And it was a miracle. You are right.

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