At Last!

It has finally happened! I have been waiting quietly for this moment. And it is last.

I was checking Pioneer Woman's blog today and here's what she wrote...

I was able to get up and rally the kids for bed, but fifteen minutes later I was plastered to the sofa watching “Lonesome Dove” with Marlboro Man.

Do you see it? Pioneer Woman said Lonesome Dove. My two favorite things BAM! Together. I've been waiting for her to say these two words because I knew it was inevitible and in my imagination she did go on and on about how much she loves it and why but just the mere fact that she said it has fulfilled my vision quite adequately. I may one day write the post about Lonesome Dove that will put in words how I feel about it. So, I am pretty darned happy. I mean they are cattle rancher's for the love of Pete, it had to come up eventually. Patience wins the game! loooov it!


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    She was laying on the couch with a cattle rancher on a cattle ranch watching Lonesome Dove which is about cattle ranching. eeeeee
    Boo said...
    I'm so glad you are in your happy place!!
    Tori said...
    you're crazy!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Yeah Baby! (Did you get that was Austin Powers?)

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