Here's one for ya.....

Do you think that people should brand themselves? Or do you think you should only do this if you are a career person? Tori? Have you branded yourself as a Nurse? Or Logann perhaps as an aspiring artist? Or do you think that these brands develop naturally? Do you think it's superficial to try to develop a personal brand or do you think that it is smart? Would you feel like you really knew a person if they had developed their persona methodically? The thing about branding is you must be consistent and wouldn't that be hard to uphold? Politicians, Celebrities and Salesmen are concerned with branding but should soccer moms and whole families also consider what they want their brand to be?... Discuss...please...somebody *I hear the crickets*


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I think it would be difficult to build a brand around my personality. I think that others do that for me based on what it is I'm putting out there. Problem is I'm giving away my power this way. I'm letting others determine what my brand will be. I've never given it much thought and it shows, probably. I care what people think about me but I don't try to manipulate that vision. Have I missed an opportunity to get ahead by not considering this approach? Perhaps. Maybe if your branding is a true reflection of who you really are, it's not a bad idea? Or maybe a plan for who you want to be. But it seems like you would need to be careful, because you don't want to buy too far into your persona so that people can't get past it to the real you. Maybe sitting down as a family and saying What are our core values and how do we best show ourselves to our community would be a good idea. People will label you anyway, may as well be putting out the right message or signals. I guess you would have to make a list of what is really important to you and then look at how you live your life and see if they match. It would only ring false if you did these things purely for show, or to get attention. Seems like most folks just are who they are and figure others will think what they will. Seems right, but maybe there is something to sitting down and seeing what your branding says about you. whether you've put thought into it or not, is it a real question I think.
    Boo said...
    Kelly, what did you drink for lunch...I'm exhausted just thinking about, thinking about branding myself or my family?? Isn't branding just a new fancy word for judging, stereotyping, being fake??? I will need some time to ponder this as well as a post about my DAD. Not enough hours in the day, I've got new tenants moving in on Tuesday I must get ready for!
    Tori said...
    I think your brand should be natural, not methodical. Each person definitely has a brand, although I feel as if having a single brand is too static. You need to be able to flow freely and allow room for change. You aren't the same person you were 10 years ago. yes, you may still have most of the basic core traits and characteristics, but there are nuances that have changed and it is all of these little things added up they change you into a completely different person. I also wouldn't want to be recognized for only one thing. People are multifaceted and deserved to be recognized for every part of them that shimmers and shines. It is definitely important to realize that people are looking to you and they should be seeing something that you want them to see, but people are very good at seeing beyond that. I see things in you guys that you probably don't realize. We each see every person slightly differently based on experiences and encounters, so even if you work on creating a brand for yourself, everyone is going to view it and consider it in a different form and fashion.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    I like the shimmer and shine part Tori, and yes, you are exactly right, you cannot control others perspectives can you? Andyes, Kim, it does seem contrived doesn't it? I always thought these things evolved organically so when I realized that there was such a thing I though I'd missed the boat, but, I like the old saying "It's none of my business what you think of me." and go with that. Maybe someone who's really into control would be interested in personal branding. I have a problem that I think everyone likes me. Isn't that funny? I can't explain it. The thought that someone might not like me makes the cogs and wheels in my brain come to a grinding halt. Like "Does not compute!" I may have an ego problem there but I just think everyone should like me and does and I just go with that.
    Boo said...
    Everyone does like you Silly Tally...what's not to like???

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