When Tori Ann got married she just went back to Nashville where she had already been living...except the first time I heard her phone message less than 24 hours after the wedding and she had already changed her name to Tori Vieke, that was a little hard to swallow. But leaving Will and Ann last night at their cute little house, right here in Noblesville, after having him living in his old room for the last 2 months, was a gut wrencher that I didn't expect. I won't deny I maybe a bit tired of a fishing pole, tackle, and dirty socks always parked at the front door, Drakes toys scattered about the living room, and oh the constant laundry battle, but when Will hugged me and said I was welcome to stop by anytime...BAM, IT HIT ME, I'm done, the apron strings were severed. And I'm thinking to myself "I stopped tonight with Jack, beer, wine, cleaning supplies, groceries, new toothbrushes, and hot pizza" if I stop by the next time empty handed will I get the same invite? So I guess the next time Mom offers to bring Dilly Bars, ice, instant boxed potatoes, I'll say yes and let here keep doing her Mom job. We have been invited back for Father's Day...and I get to bring the steaks, hallalula!!!