Well, You don't have to ask me twice. But, I don't know where to begin.. at all. Oh yes I do.
Yesterday we were putting Conner's new socks and boxers that BeBe bought him in his new dresser and He asked me if I knew how Papa folded his socks and boxers because he wanted to do his the same.
Yesterday He asked BeBe what she called Poppa and she said she called him Bill. Conner said "Happy Father's Day Bill!" And walked out of the kitchen.
And then last night we were looking at some pictures of Poppa and Conner said."I wish we could all live forever, Mom."

About Hirsh, You are right Tori, Your Dad is really a CAREful and thoughtful father. He's so good at considering his Children's personalities, feelings and needs. And, He does it so quietly and naturally.

My Dad was very patient and had faith in people. He was really good at putting things to you in a way that you would remember. There was a great beauty about him. He loved his job. He had an understanding of human nature that made you want to spend time with him. He was a calm person with great insight on a wide variety of topics. He loved history but I would say that his intelligence was of the emotional kind. It was a gift that he had that he could tell if you were a well meaning person or not. He could tell if your priorities were straight. He could tell what you had on your mind. It was as if he could read you somehow. And then he would take it one step further and decide if you were going to be able to work it out on your own or if you needed a nudge. He was a teacher but a gentle teacher. He was a gentleman. He had his opinions but gave people their space. It's a rare and beautiful combination of wisdom and patience and love that he possessed. He was a person that valued the truth and didn't shy away from the realities of life. He was not ruled by his emotions but he understood them. It was like he knew what he wanted to say to you but would hold it until the perfect time. And in doing so it made a greater impact. He was smart and he enjoyed people and life and music and food. He had a great and unique sense of humor. He made me feel loved and cherished. He told me I was smart. He watched me go down wrong paths and waited for me to turn around and come back and his quiet patience told me that he knew I would figure it out on my own eventually. I really love him and I really miss him. He was and continues to be a great source of strength for me. He was unlike anyone else I've ever met.He was genuine and funny and tall and classy.Not only did he love me but he liked me even though he knew what my character flaws were. He never gave up on me (that I know of)He'd say, "Kelly, if you walk around in dog shit you're going to get it on your boots!" That sort of sums up what he was dealing with and how he chose to handle it. I'm a slow learner but I am a very thorough learner. I understand what shit covered boots means now in a way that most can only dream of.

1 Comment:

  1. Tori said...
    hahaha loove it. so wonderful to hear. not that i had any doubts about his awesomeness.

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