Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day! I am surrounded by awesome Father's, most especially my own! My dad is super awesome, you all probably know him too, Jon Hirschfeld! I am sure it is not easy for a dad with two sons make to make his daughter feel special and included but my dad was always good at that. I mean, you have to be a pretty awesome dad to be willing to take you daughter shopping, like mine has on numerous occasions. He also taught me a lot about the guy things, like working on the mustang, or making me cut the grass, riding 4-wheelers, fixin' up rental properties (not saying I necessarily enjoyed this) although I never did give in and go on a hunting/fishing trip, but that never stopped him from asking. I also appreciate my dad working so hard so my mom could stay home with us (not an easy job!!) and I hope I can do that for my family one day too!

Can you guys tell us some stuff about Papa? I wish I knew him better, so let's celebrate him on Father's day!


  1. hick said...
    ok, since i was dads only son, i was asked almost every weekend to go to the hardware store, or kelms deli downtown indy or the heidleberg cafe and of course track meets and baseball practice. poppa was a little league coach for several years and he taught me how to keep the scorebook for his teams when i was only about 9. he coached the st louis cardinals at arlington little league. i loved baseball season with my dad, i would wear the team baseball cap all season
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    so cute. Sometimes I think we all had different Dads. Isn't that funny? We all had the Dad we needed.
    Tori said...
    That's very true kelly. And hick, that is very cute, now i know why you love baseball!

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