There's Something Happening Here

Hi Everyone! Today was the first day of school! Conner stood on the bus stop with Isabella for an hour this morning. They went out there early because they just could not wait. Conner told his Dad his teacher is a hot blonde. Miss Stonecipher. She went to Forest Hill. I think she's around 26 or so.

And, Conner and Jayce are on the same football team! Last night was the first official practice. They will get shirts with their last names on the back. They are the Vikings. Conner loved it and it looked like Jayce did too.

Saturday morning is the Pancake Breakfast at Dillon Park. I will let you know when their first game is.

Stevie has to have three wisdom teeth pulled. Mercy sakes!

Michaela has begun her cross country season. Most of the meets are away this year. I admire her tenacity.(Hics word)

Mom is very happy with her new scooter, I think. That was very serendipitous (Tiff's word, or Logann's or both)

Mick's pictures of Glacier National Park are suweeet.(Mick's word)I was showing someone at work the pics and he called him McGyver. *snort* Isn't that funneah? I def admire Mick's fortitude in that altitude. He's a stellar Dude.

Love, S.T.


  1. Tori said...
    Yes! Please tell us about the games because I must must must go!
    hick said...
    I went to school with Ms Stonecipers dad, we were good friends we called him Stoney. actually he dated Susan Edwards for a long time and he played baseball with uncle John
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    That is incredible Hic! Susan Edwards! I cannot wait to tell Conner. He loves her! Her profile says her Dad is a Country Music Radio Station Sales Director in Kokomo, or something like that. Wait till Mike finds that out.

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