Could you Handle it?

If they can make it there, they can make it anywhere.

Zaarath and Christopher Prokop -- and their two cats -- live in the smallest apartment in the city, a 175-square-foot "microstudio" in Morningside Heights the couple bought three months ago for $150,000.

At 14.9 feet long and 10 feet wide, it's about as narrow as a subway car and as claustrophobic as a jail cell. But to the Prokops, it's a castle.

"When you first see it, the first thing you say is, 'Holy crap, this place is small,' " said Zaarath, 37, an accountant for liquor company Remy Martin. "But when I saw it, all I could think of is, I can do something with this. This is perfect for us. We love it."


  1. Tori said...
    Running to work and picking up my clothes is just not in my list of things that sound fun to do. Ohhhh noooo.
    Unknown said...
    oh my gosh it sounds amazing! except i am more of a walker =] but really i would love to life clutter free!! it sounds beautiful! i wanna try it someday! i mean they spend not very much money on there house and what not so they getta go on vacation and eat out all the time!!!!!!! and wow! but what would i do with my books? i would need a closetnot just kitchen cabnits.

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