So I think it is pretty obvy that I belong in Indy! After hitting a few road blocks in Nashville, I am happy to be gainfully employed in Indy! I will be working in a level 2 special care nursery at IU Hospital downtown! It is connected with Riley. Sick babies, yay! Something must be wrong with me! lol. I officially start on July 6th. Unfortunately, that conflicts with my house closing, but that will get worked out, I guess! I will spend the first 6 weeks orienting on day shift and then I get to make the leap to night shift, ugh! That is the only downer. But it shouldn't be too awful since it is only 3 nights a week. Now I just have to find the perfect little house, good thing I know a good realtor!

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Congratulations! I think that being a nurse is a high calling. I'm so proud of you. Those little babies will look up and see your pretty face and they will feel like an Angel has come to them. A beautiful Angel with Golden hair and crystal blue eyes. That's you!

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