Super Duper

Howdy Ya'll! This weekend was glorious! So much fun seeing Tori and Logann! And then Sunday afternoon Ty and Conner's team played against one another and it was a super exciting game! And last night we tooka bike ride and now Conner actually knows which house is Will & Ann's. tee hee.

I have a funny story for you:

SCENE: We are in my car leaving church.

ME: Conner, what did you talk about in Sunday Achool?

CONNER: We talked about what it's like in Heaven.

ME:Oh, so what's it like?

CONNER: Well, everything is perfect and you can do whatever you like and yu can breathe under water.

ME: ReallY? That's cool. I did not know that.

CONNER: Yeah. ANd when I get to heaven I'm going to drink whisky and slide down the waterfalls on my bare butt!



  1. Tori said...
    omg so stinkn' cute! espesh the visual i got!
    Boo said...
    Please tell Conner I'll be up there first and I'll save some whiskey and a waterfall just for him!

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