
this morning i wake up at 6:22 ( i went to bed at 11 because i had to finish my book) i take a shower get dressed and i think hard about what to wear because i have look nice for work right? because no one wants a secretary person in Pj's. so i try to look nice i get some coffee i think about where my keys are because i cant seem to find them. i try to find shoes that will dress up my outfit. Kelly and i get in the car and drive to work. i drop her off then head to Image Dental. i buckle my shoes while in the parking lot. i walk through the parking lot. i open the first door. i walk a few feet. i open the second door. walk a few feet. open the third door. walk a few feet. i get to the computer Hi Joy! joy replies i did not no you were coming in today. i reply well no one told me not to so i thought i would show up anyway. she did not seem happy to see me. so i go ask Maddy how her vacation was. and i ask her if i was supposed to show up today. she has no clue and tells me to ask doctor (they never call Amy by name they call her doctor or she it is confusing it makes me feel odd calling her Amy) so i go to find Doctor and she is with a patient. so i wait patiently while pacing the hall. Joy passes me a few times (unhappily if i do say so myself, it is not my fault she did not tell me not to come) so finally i get to talk to Amy who tells me to ask Maddy or Joy if they have anything for me to do and that she needs me to babysit on Friday. isn't that wonderful Maddy and joy tell me to ask Amy and Amy tells me to ask Maddy and joy. whatever. so i ask Maddy and she tells me she has no clue what is going on because she has not been here. so i wait for joy who is not at her chair. she finally gets there. Joy, Amy told me to ask you if you have anything you need me to do. she tells me she does not. so i get up and i walk a few feet to the first door. i walk a few feet to the second door. then i walk a few feet to the third door. i walk through the parking lot unlock my car door get in and drive away.


  1. Tori said...
    so sad that you got up so stinkin' early, just to not have to work. and as much as it sucks and it is frustrating, it is slightly elating to know you don't have to work when you thought that you had to. So much free time. If you went yesterday, what made them not need you today? weird.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    maddy is back today and she was not there yesterday. and i was not doing much of anything. but it is not my fault! joy could have given me something to do =]

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