I was upstairs watching the Grammy's and Stevie G.was watching them downstairs. I hear the annnouncer say Taylor will be performing with her Hero and I catch a glimpse of long black hair and black chiffon. And I holler down the stairs to my little Stevie, "Who's Taylor's Hero?" and she hollers on back to me the most amazing thing. "Stevie Nicks!" And I throw back those covers, JUMP out of bed and run in circles a few times a hollerin' her name out loud! "Stevie Nicks? Stevie Nicks? Stevie Nicks? And I promptly put on my slippers and hightail it on down those stairs.
So, now me and My Stevie McGee are sitting on the couch sharing a blanket and trying to figure out what they will sing and I say,
"Ooooh, we need popcorn."
And Stevie says to me "Yeah, you should go make some".
And I say "I am the Stevie and you are the Taylor in this situation." So YOU make the popcorn.
And she pauses and say's slowly and softly, "No, I'm Stevie." We were laughing so hard! It was so funny. Maybe you ha to be there. But she was right so i popped the corn.(dangit) I'm so glad that she loves her name and uses it to her advantage.We had the pop corn dun et by the time they came on stage. I love my Stevies. I was so happy. Waddy Wachtel "The Wizard" even came with her to play his guitar. I will post some pics if I can find them. I have two Stevie's and they are BOTH my Hero's.