Thats... WICKED

so here i am sitting at kyndricks computer with Grayson trying to tell me about some racing... abd Kyndrick telling me to hurry and Autumns phone singing "All that Jazz" and... my phone went off... and yes... so Yesterday i woke up at 8:14 and got in the shower. i drank some coffee. I put on my new strapless black dress with a panda bear black and white tanktop underneath. neon green fishnet tights and sparkly converse all in honor of Elphaba (sp).
i realized i needed to pay my cell phone bill and left around 10 o clock to go to triple aaa. when i get there i realize it is closed which does not surprise me because i figured it would be closed. So i am driving back to my side of town to pick up kyndrick when my car goes glunk glunk chunk buzz. and i go OH! and pray for the red light to turn green. by time the red light turns my car is going 10 miles an hour and i am scared for my life! because i hate other drivers! they are evil beings. so i pull over in front of like the layers office and the t-shirt printers place (across from the bank place) turn my car off and call kyndricks house. i then ask him what it feels like to run outta gas and askes why? so i tell him my story. i am freaking out because the nearest gas station it like way to far away! and i am wearing sparkly shoes and a pretty dress! i am still on the phone with kyndrick when i look to my left and through the trees what do i see? A GAS STATION! it used to be called Clarks! but is now a marathon. so i get outta my car after locking and rolling up my windows and walk over. The man working the desk is thankfully nice and not creepy and helps a scared me after i ask "my car ran outta gas over there (i then point) ... what do i do? i need a red gas thing right?" he points me in the right direction and shows me how to set the red tank up. i so SO thankful to have him! what if it would have been a creeper? eek. i shant even think about it...
so i get to Kynds house and wash my hands. we leave. we take some crazy way that i hated. but it was what map quest gave us.
we get to indie. it is a beautiful day. we pay $8 to park (better then the $10 parking!) and we go in a cute expensive shop with pictures and clothes and stuff. then we go to a mucis store (LUNA i beleave was the name) i buy 2 records for my new record player (1 was she and him the other was a random one we picked up) we buy subway.
we go to the murat where we eventually make our way up to the top most of the balcony. the show starts. it was wonderful. i am most deffintly glad i read the book a million years ago ( and never finished) because i might have been upset if they changed stuff. but everyone did a WONDERFUL job! Kyndrick said the girls were some of the best girl vocalists he has EVER heard. Gaaaalindas voice made me giggle. we got roasted cashews which were YUMMIE! oh and the line for the bathroom was sooooo long! i could not believe it. the show was truly wonderful! but i liked the first half better then the second... but mabey that is because i had read that part in the book.,... so when it was all over we got lost trying to come home BIG TIME! it was not good..... but after ten million phone calls and driving in circles in indie for an hour we found what we were looking for... (this all happened because the cirle was blocked off) we made it back to Nobletucky and to Johnathans graduation party...
wow that was a lot.. Kyndrick fell asleep. ha...


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Boo said...
    Perfect review of your day...that's exactly what I was hoping for!! Thanks, I feel like I was there!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Your spelling was pretty good too. Nice.
    Tori said...
    love your outfit choice! Love the review too. I agree, the first half is better, bc it has the better songs & it gets very very dark and WICKED! aahahah
    hick said...


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