Back to the Future

The Cable Guy is coming to the house this evening to install our cable and internet lines. Can you even believe it? I should pay him extra to dress like Santa!We are all pretty excited. And some of us won't believe it until we see it (Stevie) Because some of us are smarty pants and when I say smarty pants I mean Stevie. Why do I love Thanksgiving so much? I'll tell you why... I think it's because it's the only Holiday where everyone goes ahead and admits that it's all about the food! Don't get me wrong. Christmas is pure delight. But Thanksgiving is such a Clark Holiday isn't it? So, if Christmas is a roaring Fire of warmth and good cheer Thanksgiving is the spark that lights the flame that is the spirit of the entire holiday season.


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Did you notice my Post Title has seemingly nothing to do with the actual post? How cool is that? I think it was supposed to refer to getting cable and internet, like hey, The Haemmerle's woke up and it's 2009!Not even sure anymore.
    Tori said...
    I don't care what it means! Just glad you have it!! YAY! Maybe you'll start blogging again, looks like you are on the right track!!

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