Poor Me...

Eli is sick and now I have nothing to do. Although I absolutely will not complain. The best part of my job is not having to work everyday. So, I guess this means another day of movies for me. I would like to go shopping, but I am grounded. Not because of my shopping habits, which could probably get me grounded as well, but because I did something stupid yesterday. Remember when I popped my tire? Well, that happened right after Jake had "kindly" pointed out to me that I needed to be careful around that curb or I was going to pop a tire. And what did I do not but a week or two later? I popped the tire. Well, this weekend, Jake, again, "kindly" tells me that if I am not careful I am going to hit the garage pulling in and out.

There is a very precise technique to getting in and out of our garage so that there is enough room to walk around and not have the car doors hit each other, so there is basically about 2 inches either way that you have to jimmy your car in. Anyway, if you can't already tell where this is going, yesterday as I am backing out to take the dogs to get their shots, I look up and see that I am about to take off my mirror. Crap, I took off the mirror. It was like in slow-mo and I couldn't stop it even though my brain was telling me to, my body wasn't reacting. Don't you hate that?

Anyway, I knocked it good and hard and it was just hanging there. The metal of the car where it attaches was even pulled out some... not good. Anyway, Jake thinks he can fix it and the new mirror should be here tomorrow. I pray that he can get it fixed otherwise it will cost more than the 60$ that he got the new mirror for. I have confidence in him though. Oh lordy mercy. I told him it was his fault for cursing me and so of course he just decided it was best to make fun of all my accidents. Seriously, if he hadn't said anything I doubt it would have happened, just like the with curb. Plus it probably didn't help that I had a dog in my lap and another one in the passenger seat. I just look at it as preparing him for when we have kids, because inevitably everything is going to get broken and I will have A) either broken it already or B) done something worse so it won't be as bad.

I really want to buy some boots today, but like I said, I am grounded, so that probably wouldn't be the best idea. But I realllllllyy need them. I want to get the perfect everyday leather boots. Hard to find ones that aren't uggs. I really want the classic cardys. so cute. see??

So cute and cozy. But does a girl really need 3 pair of uggs? I think the answer is probably yes. I mean, if they last 3 years (like mine have) that shows quality and commitment. And I love how casual they are, but are they too juvenile? But then again, aren't I? Such a conundrum.


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Oh Tori ! I found the cutest pair of leather boots! They are at Delaney's in Fishers they are about $150. They are brown or black and they are tall and skinny. And they are soft. You should probz go check em' out. Maybe the Delaney's by you has them. I will try to remember the name brand and see if I can find a pic on the computer. Maybe you should go to Buckaroo too and look.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Oh, You like right between two Delaney's don't you? Nice,.
    Tori said...
    The one in Fishers is the closest! I may just stop by!
    Tiffer Sniffer said...
    they have THOSE boots at shoe carnival! seriously!
    Unknown said...
    i say i love them and that delias has some taller ones that i want! kelly i want too see the boots you talk about!
    Unknown said...
    and the delias ones are prob less expensive so when this season is over and you decide you hate them you dont feel bad! sooo you ahould chek check them outt
    Tori said...
    these go tall too... they are just scrunched in the pic-ola
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    don't like those in da pic. soreeee True Dat
    Boo said...
    I ran into Tiff's friend Tonya at Holiday Mart and she had on the cool sweater ugg boots. Just as cute in person as on the page. She said they were like wearing slippers. Rumor has it one of my exhibitors will be selling fake uggs at the show???

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