i declare

i like diet pepsi better than diet coke


  1. Tori said...
    hmm... well the only diet drink that I can stand is coke zero or cherry coke zero. other those I would rather just not drink anything if it has to be diet. I am awful right now though. I am at like 2 cokes a day! which is awful! But before the cruise I was doing so good, it took me a ton of hard work and dedication to completely cut it out! ugh. i need to get back to that, but it tastes soooo good. And my good intentions are always foiled whenever i go to the movie, i mean youcan't have popcorn without a soda! right! and if i have one i just spiral out of control! I need like AA for coke.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    You're funny. I knew I'd get a comment from you if I mentioned any carbonated beverage. Plus, Cherry Coke Zero sounds fascinating! Delightful even!
    Tiffer Sniffer said...
    i have to say that MY NAME IS TIFFANI, AND I AM A DIET COKAHOLIC! Cant live without it! Diet Pepsi doesn't do it for me! Sorry Tally Poofers Magnifico!

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