random musings

This is what's on my mind today.
I need to go to the chiropractor, I picked up a bunch of heavy boxes here at work and now my neck is out of wack

When does Tori get back??

I brag to people all the time that my sister is the director of the F&P Show. And I sound just like Mom when I say it, but I don't stop. I don't think I put my nose in the air a little when I say it, but I might, I just might.

I wonder what Sheba Reba and Moxy Loxy are doing.

Conner's bus driver is nice.

I wish I'd invented the glue stick, it's so awesome!

This morning when i was walking the dogs people in my neighborhood waved and smiled at me in a knowing way as if to say your dogs are cute. They usually aren't sooo friendly towards me. And it reminded me of walking Kiki's Dogs in Tennessee at the park. Tori was right but this time the dogs are actually mine. I'm not a poser anymore. But I am kind of a poser still because I am married to the dog whisperer and he gets all the credit for finding, bringing home, training the dogs. I just walk them and pet them. Mike is in tune with them on a whole other dimension. But I look good walking them so that counts for something, so I still am a poser, whatevvvs.

I'm thirsty.

My pants are too tight around the middle, sloshy sloshy.

That's all I got in my noggin' right now, nothing too deep and that's alright by me.


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