No! At least not in my opinion, but I do enjoy some good zombie fare! Yesterday Jake and I went to go see Zombieland. It is a horror farce. It was definitely funny, definitely gory and the perfect date night movie... well, maybe if you're movie taste is as strange as mine and Jake's. Anyway, to make it even better I got a New Moon collectors cup! yay! And then at the end of the movie I almost threw it away. Well, I did throw it away and then Jake was like "why are you throwing your cup away?" so I had to run back and get it. Silly me. Woody Harrelson was in the movie too along with some younger peeps, including Abigail Breslin. Woody was quite funny and was pretty much a zombie-killing machine. The movie is about the last few survivors in the world, after most people have become zombies. The main character, Columbus, has survived by coming up with a survival list that he does his best to follow, and has pretty much worked. He ends up meeting Tallahassee (Harrelson) along the way, who is obsessed with finding Twinkies. They also come across two sisters, Little Rock and Witchita. Anyway they pretty much just kill zombies and have fun. Nice right?

Anyway, I feel so productive today. I got up and had breakfast and then started on what boxes were leftover in the guest room. Mostly books and stuff, so I got my bookshelf set up, and all my random things organized in the guest room closet. I need to get a few more storage containers for a few little things here and there and then I should be smooth sailing. We put away our extra deck furniture, Jake got the garage all organized and his workbench and some shelves set up. I made a delish South Beach friendly veggie beef stew, perfect for a fall day. Oh, I also bought 50 tulip bulbs on sale at menard's last night. I didn't get them in the ground today, but I have tomorrow and tuesday off, so I am in no hurry. I think we are going to have a bonfire tonight. We have a bunch of the old trim so we are going to burn it. I also put up my few halloween decorations. I really want to buy some more, although I probably shouldn't. I have a cool witch hanging from my fireplace though! I'm listening to the Juno soundtrack on the record player. I also listened to Stevie Nicks, while I was piddle-farting around the house. Now I am waiting for Jake to come out the garage and help me hang a few things on the walls. Such big decisions about where things should go or if they should even be put up. Have I said how much I love my new house? Well, I do, I love it. I think it is cozy, but that could just be me. I think it is hard to get a perspective on your own house, because you are just used to it being the way it always is, and don't really think of things in other ways. Like now that the furniture is where it is, I think it would be weird to change it, but I think I want to! Oh my. ANyway, what a beautiful weekend right? We definitely needed it though, with all the rain this week. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

1 Comment:

  1. hick said...
    saw zombieland on a date nite with Uncle John...wold movie

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