Good Morningz

It is is 630am and I am up up up! Why you ask? Well I was supposed to work today, but they didn't need me, not enough babies to take care of. Which is sad, yes, but still no one can ever complain about a day off and neither will I! So I get the call at 5 am and can't really go back to sleep because I have to pee. So I do get up and a pee and then settle back in bed just in time for Jake to get up. Well, being the good wife that I am I decide to get up and make him breakfast, and help him with the dogs. So we have some eggs and turkey sausage and coffee. It was yummy, and I sat outside with dogs for awhile and it was nice, but kind of drizzly. So I came back in and saw that Jake left his lunch and coffee on the counter. Dangit, doesn't that just make you so mad? Well it makes me even madder, because I made that lunch times two (one for me, ya know) last night before bed and now both are useless. Well of course, I can eat one of them today, but Jake's will probably go wasted, although I might steal the chicken off of his salad, so that is one positive outcome! Oh my mercy. So now I've settled down on the couch, still working on my coffee and blogging and excited about another day at home. Oh, another sad thing is, I took of my nail polis last night in preparation for going to work today (you technically aren't supposed to wear nail polish, but some people bend the rules, I don't feel like I am to that point yet, still being the newby!) I got this awesome dark pinky color from Viva (holler!) it is of course OPI and part of the Espana collection.

Why does Maverick always want the toy that Lila is playing with? And she, of course, lets him take it, but then she starts chewing on other things like my rug in the kitchen (although it has the fringe-y stuff around the edges, which look a lot like her toy, so I guess I can't really blame her). And the thing is, he doesn't really want to play with it, he just wants to have it. Typical of siblings I guess!!

I am hoping to go and buy the new Paramore cd today. Paramore is awesome. Stevie and I went to see them with No Doubt and I have loved them for a long time. Their first cd came out a few years ago, and they are from good old Franklin, TN. This is their third cd. What I really love about them is their lead singer, Hayley Williams. First off, I love that she is a female in a rock band, I also love that she is like 20! Actually I think everyone in the band is less than 22 or 23 years old. How cool is that! I think think it's pretty cool. Anyway, I have a feeling that today is going to be a long productive day. Which is good. I have laundry to do, grocery shopping, thins of that sort, and then I will have it all done and I will be able to enjoy the weekend.

I think this weekend we are going to get a new fireplace cover (good bye yellow gold-barf). I need to get rid of all my dead tomato plants in the backyard, as well as, pick up all the walnuts (and probably dog poo--if I get really motivated). We'll also probably work on organizing the garage, and detailing Jake's new truck. Did I tell you Jake got a truck? He actually didn't end up getting the one from the dealership that they let us drive home and keep for the weekend. His dad and uncle needed new trucks for work so Jake just bought his dad's old truck off of him! Perfect, right! He liked that idea much better because he knows the truck has been taken care of, has only had one owner and it is black and super nice. So now, you can see Jake around town driving a black Chevy Avalanche. I think it is an '05, but I can't be sure. Oh, the best part is! Now we can probably get the two old toilets out of our backyard! yes! We have two toilets in our backyard, just like the rednecks. I dunno, I guess it could be fun at the housewarming party to go bobbing for turds or something (i literally saw this on "my big redneck wedding). The turds, of course, aren't really turds, but like chocolate candy bars or something. Anyway, they have been in our backyard since we replaced the toilets in the house, which was practically the first thing we did when we moved in over a month ago!

haha I just realized that I wrote the title "good morningz" with a "z". O my is it early or what. I will not change it though, because it is either funny or cute, I'm not sure which. And the "z" just reminded me of The Wizard of Oz, which has just been released on Blu-ray! Wow, how far we've come since the first "technicolor" picture! haha. Ok this is getting long and probably boring. I'll check back in later!! Happy Friday!


  1. logann elizabeth said...
    ohh Tori I love how much enthusiasm you have that early in the morning!! I use to always forgot my lunch at home when i didnt like what my mom packed me!! Maybe Jake didnt like his lunch..just sayinn
    Tori said...
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    love this post.
    Boo said...
    I wish I knew you were home, you could have gone to Greenfield for the Riley Days Festival. Enjoy your day off.

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