So it is an absolutely beautiful fall day. My yard it chock full of leaves and it makes me want to make a big pile to jump in. Oh my! There is a pesky squirrel looking in my window. It just pounced up on my back deck and made its way to the window. Good thing maverick is napping because he would have gone absolutely bananas!! So cute. Squirrels are cute aren't they? Anyway, I am super excited because tonight Ty and Abby are coming over and spending the night! I know, go ahead and be all jealous. I am going to make lasagna too. I was thinking we should watch a Halloween movie too. Good thing I have a lot of kiddie movies, because I'm just a big kid myself. I don't have Casper though and I wish I did. Oh well.

Tomorrow I have to go back to the BMV and get my car registered in Indiana and get my license plate. I am not looking forward to it, but it was actually quite fast last time so I hope it will be like that again. Kelly, I liked your status update this morning. Truly lovely. I want to hear about Hick's cruise and maybe even see a few pics!

I am finishing up my book today. It was very good and perfect for fall. I just don't know what to move on to next though... hmm... any good book suggestions? I always have a few on my shelf, yet to be read, but none are calling my name right now.


  1. Boo said...
    I'm readying the new Dan Brown book. Only into the first 50 pages but so far so good. I just imagining Tom Hanks when I'm reading along.
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Lonesome Doooooooove. Ever heard of it. Your Mom read it. Your Uncle Tom and Aunt Amy read it. Your BeBe read it......
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Squirrels really are cute.

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