Well well well! It has been a day. I don't really know why I said that, it has been pretty normal. Other than the fact that my husband is MIA! Ugh, he went out of town for business this morning and won't be back until late Wednesday (I have the joy of picking him up from the airport at 1030). Anyway I was sad to see him go but I am holding down the home fort. After bidding him adieu I cleaned the whole house, except for kitchen. I am not too worried about the kitchen since hopefully I will be getting a new one in the next couple of weeks! I cannot wait, so need to worry about a major scrub down. Anyway, after that I went to the gym and lawsy mercy did my crotch hurt. Let me tell you why. I've started doing the spinning classes (which is on a bike) and they are sooo amazing, I mean you sweat like you've never sweat before. It is an hour of awesome cardio. Anyway it is awesome, until the next day. Ohhhh, you can feel that seat between your legs, but now its like it has nails on it. I have to toughen up my bootay I guess. Anyhow, the last couple of classes I have done have been at least 4-5 days apart. Well when I went today the last class I did was on Saturday. I sat down and it hurt. So I tried to tough it out, but after the warm-up my bootay couldn't take it any longer. Sorry to be open about it, but its true!! So I shall work one toughing up my bones I guess and until then I will spread out the classes. After the gym I ran some errands. I thought about maybe painting my dining room or maybe the bathroom or maybe even redoing the bathroom entirely. These are all bad things that happen when your hubby goes out of town. I want to keep myself busy so I either buy too much or start a project too big. But really, the dining room would take just a few hours to whip out. I think a nice red would do. Like a darker red, but when I looked at the colors at Lowe's I wasn't completely sold. And red is so hard, as my mom and dad will probably tell you. So I waited. Maybe tomorrow.

Tomorrow I am going to yoga (noooo spinning). This will be the first yoga class at my new gym that I will have been too. But luckily my bff megan is going to come with me since I have some guest passes. It should be fun I think. I just love yoga, as you all know. Hopefully I can stay out of trouble until then. I could probably start ripping out the kitchen only if I knew where to begin.

oh! And guess what! I am going to the dentist (AKA AMY) tomorrow. yes, so thanks for the all dentist pep talks. Here's the worst part... I probably haven't been in like 3-4 years. CRAP! It is going to be awful. I have been flossing intermittently though. So who knows, maybe it won't be so bad. Eeek! I'm so nervous. I hope it isn't awful. I hope I don't get scorned by Amy! But I just can't not go any longer. So think of me tomorrow with drills in my mouth.

I'm headed over to the rents with the puppies. My dad knew I would probs be feeling lonely tonight without Jake so I can at least go and get some yummy food... before I lose all my teeth!


  1. Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Okay, don't get the nitrous. Insurance doesn't pay for it. $$
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    hold on now, what is your color palette for the house? What is your inspiration? Do you wear the color red? You must lay out your color schem on a table in front of you and introduce the red and see what happens. I'm concerned. Mostly about your bootay but about the dining room too.
    Tori said...
    I have some samples taped to the wall. My house is way too neutral! It is all realtor beige (duh, they painted it that way to sell the house) except for the two rooms I painted which are a sage green, but they are a bedroom and an office so not like the main focus. And I am still not sure what color I will be painting the kitchen, which is right next to the dining room so the rooms need to mold. BUt I can't decide on the kitchen color until I get my cabinets and countertop in and see how they look.... but I am thinking lighter. I dunno! You should come over!
    Kelly Haemmerle said...
    Yeah, I would love to come over. Do you work Sat or Sun?
    Boo said...
    Tori I have a sample can of my kitchen red if you want to try out a patch?

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