
Oh my goodness everyone I am anxious and excited all at the same time. I know I have been talking about track a lot lately, but it is a great sport and I love it and I just like to keep you guys updated. Anyway next Thursday is our first track me at home and we are hosting Lawrence and Fishers. Im nervous because High School track is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be and I just have a feeling in High School, track gets competitive because it is a very competitive sport but oh well I usually do get the track meet jitters haha. Anyway moving on today is St. Patricks Day and also my mom and dads anniversary im am sure you guys will hear about that really soon so I won't mention anything, but Bebe took me, Conner, and Steph to Ocharly's it was delish Conner got a steak with fries and a chocolate milkshake and a water and he had 2 rolls man that kid can sure eat but whatever soots him. Stephanie had this amazing looking pasta with steak in it i think and she also had Strawberry lemonda yummm. Bebe had fish with fries and a roll and I had Ocharly's gliders which is 4 little cheeseburgers with a special dressing and fries and a chocolate shake and of course a roll. It was fun hanging wtih Bebe because she is just amazing. I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day I know I did and it sounds like Tori did to.


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